
Monday, March 20, 2017

Waiting on warm weather...

I am still anxiously awaiting spring and dependable warm weather.  It is supposed to get up in the 60's today, but I am of the sort to believe it when I see it.

Last week it was the was cool in temps, but the wind just froze a person.  There were two or three evenings I just could not get warm.
Do you guys remember when women always had flowers, and usually each summer their porch had a bunch that were moved out of the house for the summer months. And the women were always willing to give you a start from theirs.  At one time I had a Swedish Ivy plant...that started from a leaf sprouted in water that a friend gave to me.

I have had the Wondering Jew plant at different times...always started from a piece given to me and stuck in water till roots appear, then planted.  My mom always had at least one pot and sometimes a couple.  She would hang it from a hook in the ceiling...and it would grow almost all the way to the floor.

At one time I had this plant...I do not know what it was called.  It was slick, shiny thick dark green leaves...and all along the edge of the leaves little baby plants would start.  If they dropped off into the soil, they would take root and grow.  I don't know recall for sure who gave it to me, but I think my mom's best friend...but I loved it and would love to know what it is called.  I am thinking Lorelei would find it fascinating.  I have googled but not seen one yet that looks quite like it.

In my yard now I have a big bed of creamy white irises that are a result of a neighbor giving me some of her bulbs at least 30 years ago.  The neighbor no longer lives there but every time my irises bloom I think of her. 

Do you have any flowers that were given to you as a start from friend?  And what are they/how long have you had them.


  1. Over the years I have had many houseplants that came from a friend.I have one Iris that was given to me by the neighbours and a Fern Leaf Peony that came from a friend.Both have been transplanted several times over the years and are still doing well.

  2. google airplane plant, I think that is what you are remembering. yes I remember all homes had plants and it all stopped when I left home, my mother, her mother and their mothers always gave cuttings of plants. I have plants that were my mothers and cuttings from her Christmas cactus, and she died in 1990.

  3. We had a neighbor who gave us day lilies and irises when she moved away. I can't wait to see pics of your white irises.

  4. ...lucky you, we got all the way up to 41F and by Wednesday we won't get out of the 20s. Happy Spring!

  5. So pretty! Maybe some kind of orchid or lily?

  6. It's very warm here in south Texas. In fact almost hot. I have a large bed in front of my house with all green plants from my friend's funeral. A variegated ivy, something like elephant ears, and mother-in-law's tongue. Every time I go out the front door I think of her.

  7. I have a few plants given by friends in my garden and I still remember the friends who gave the plants to me. I love air plants and I have a pot of Wandering Jew in my garden.

  8. Over the years, sweet neighbors have gifted us many plants. (or seeds) When we first married, a lady shared poppy seeds with me. They were the biggest, prettiest poppies ever!
    Hope you find out what that plant was that you are remembering.

  9. I have been known to see garden plants from the road and stop to ask for a start. Most people don't mind the interruption and will gladly give a start to a plant that spreads freely. I used to have way too many houseplants and would start them in small weird shaped bottles I had. I used to hang them in the windows. I remember when Laurie was little one of her friends came in and I overheard her ask Laurie why I plant plants in water. Don't you just love kids!
    xx, Carol

  10. Hi Rose, lovely post that stirred up some memories for me. We have moved a number of times over the years due to my husbands job and each time we had kind neighbours give us plants. We just moved into our current home late last summer. A neighbour gave me two wheelbarrows full of perennials and helped me plant them. I feel very blessed!
    Hope you find out what your mystery plant is!

  11. I have many plants in my garden that were given to me, and they always make me smile when they come to life the following years. I have a mere seven house plants and six were gifts . :-)

  12. I love sharing my plants and flowers. But everything in my yard pretty much was started from others sharing with me. I love that I don't work there is not that much sharing going on so I am buying a bit here and there. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Hello Rose!:) As I have always lived in the country, it's usual to give cuttings and seeds, and when I receive a plant gift, I try to make cuttings, just in case, the plant does not thrive in our soil. They have given and still give me many happy memories of the friends and neighbours who gave them to me. A friend gave me a beautiful white Orchid only yesterday as a thank you gift, which I will tend lovingly. I think the plant you remember and describe is called a Spider Plant. They are easy to grow and produce lots of baby plants. I don't know what the Wandering Jew looks like, so now I'll google it to find out. Have a good rest of the week.:)

  14. Hi Rose-
    Love flowers and photos of flowers.
    Your picture is beautiful.
    Your stories remind me my mother, who was a talented Gardner, amongst other things. So, thank you for that.
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My dad was the gardener in our family...he did the yard while mom had houseplants. Ferns were her favorite. Me? I had many African violets started with the leaf. They were beautiful.
      March 21, 2017 at 7:08 PM

  16. Such an exquisite plant- such a lovely rich pink (or rose). When the weather is warmer, for the first time in 15 years, I'll be able to plant flowers in the ground. Yay!

  17. I know the plant you mean and can see it in my eye but cannot think of the name. I have a house plant book but gave it to my daughter and I will be up there tomorrow and if you don't know the name by then I will hunt for it and send it to you.

  18. I have loads of garden flowers that have grown from cuttings that my mother and her friends have given me. We still share cuttings and plants when we divide up clusters of what we have too much of. It would be sinful not to. My mum always says that if you have something in your garden that you love you really ought to share it with your friends, and, one day, if your cherished plant should die for whatever reason, you'll be able to ask for a cutting in return. Give away whatever you really want to keep ... goes the philosophy.

  19. We were given some starts from a friend who had the nicest lilacs. I don't know what variety it is, but it's my favorite. Which reminds me that I need to dig up some of the shoots around it and get some more started. Love my lilacs! I also have been given some little airplanes we call them off the big plant which I think is a Spider plant and they root easily.

  20. It would be lovely to have been given flowers to plant in the garden. Then you could remember them year after year.

  21. I have tiger lilies from my cousin in our Illinois home and I dug some up when we moved here to Wisconsin. I've had them I'm guessing close to 20 years total.

  22. now that you speak of it ... i am recalling the Swedish Ivy ... i had forgotten it. i have a wandering jew ... 2 different brands... one of them does very well the other looks kind of sad. when weather is warmer i get them all outside. they prefer that. but when it starts to get to fall time i have to bring them again. i wonder if i could find the Swedish Ivy around here? i know the wandering jew was available at a local greenhouse i love going to. have you ever heard of Bridal Veil? it is so pretty. little white blooms pop out and go away at night. so pretty. check it out. ( :

  23. I don't keep plants in the house due to the cats. Your flower is pretty though and I know what you mean about waiting for warmer weather. Could you do me a favor and let me know if you are still rec. my blog posts? I changed e-mail addresses again and am wondering if my post are showing up.

  24. So vibrant colour! Lovely pink.


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