
Thursday, May 18, 2017

More random thankfulness....

Michelle said she is thankful for the heat....I couldn't agree more.

........I am thankful for all the flowers that are in bloom or will be blooming.

........I am thankful that I don't have to put on a coat or jacket every time I go outside...

........I am thankful that we don't need to start the Rav4 to get warm before we leave.

........I am thankful for it to be warm enough to sit outside and read!  I think I miss that about more than anything during the cold months.  I will sit outside in the hottest of weather to read...but I don't like to sit out if it is cold at all.

 ........I am thankful to get to see all the birds.  Our baby robins have been gone over a week I think, and now the House Wren has been back out there the past two or three days.  It keeps checking out the old gourd but I am not sure if it has decided to build out there or not.  I am not sure I want them to, or not.  They have been out there the past two or three years and I am never sure if they have success or not.

I will be linking to Michelle's Thankful Thursday.