
Saturday, July 1, 2017

A bit of this and that....

Tootie went home around noon...Roger and I ran to Walmart for two or three things.  It rained.  Hard.  For just a couple or three minutes.  Then it stopped for a while.  Later in the afternoon, it poured down again.  There was thunder, but I seen no lightning.

Do you ever see stuff on Youtube that is not meant to be funny, but tickles your funny bone?  I watch a lot of videos on sewing/sewing machines, etc.  Lately I have run across how to make UN-paper towels.  My thought is, why not buy dishrags/dishtowels.  Whatever you want to call them.
Ashworth, Penel. Reservoir Cats: True Stories and Cat's Eye Views from Squirt  Penel Ashworth.
Another quote from the above set the scene, Squirt has just been neutered a day or two before and decides he is feeling better and has begun to examine his body:

Outrageous discovery!  Felt well enough to explore myself for damage - I have been robbed, my back pockets have been picked.

One does wonder what they think after going through that.

Leaving you with a bit of wisdom from Red Green:
