
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Daughter's quilt top...

My older daughter drove over today to sew....she designed, chose her fabric, and started this quilt top a few months ago...then there came the move to St. Louis.  She has not got her sewing area set up there so she came here to sew this afternoon.

This  is what it looked like when she came.  At least 2/3's done.  We worked all afternoon...she cut and I sewed.  And she pressed the seams.

This is what it looked like when she left.  It is approx 93 inches square...she is making it for one of her friends.

Just one more photo:

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A different sort of post from me....

Bury Me

Bury me beneath the weeping willow tree
And let the long roots cradle me.
Bury me 'neath the old, old trees
Where the robins and red birds sing
Where they build their nests in warmth of spring.
Bury me beside the waters of old Gap Creek
Where I can still hear the laughter of our youth.
Where I can hear our splashing throughout the week…
Where we played till the day was done.
Bury me beside that weathered old barn…
That one that sits up towards the holler
On my favorite place on earth.
I am not much of a writer of anything, poems for sure.  But have had this little one started forever.   I just moved it here to blogger a few days ago and have debated on publishing it or not...

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Hovering Hawk

I shot this through the front windshield...or I think it would have been a bit clearer.  I think it is a Rough-legged Hawk.  I am so used to seeing Northern Harriers do this, but then as we got closer and seen the wings, I thought not.  When I looked it up on All About Birds, it says the Rough-legged Hawk can hover if it is facing into the wind.  This one did exactly that.  It would hover for a while, then break away and fly on a little ways, then turn around and face into the wind and hover some more.  This was shot today.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Random bits....

I started this 500 piece puzzle last night and finished it this morn...well, at noon, but we slept in this morn.

Daughter and I made the valance above and the set below this past week.

We made the first set of these in the summer.  Due to her work and travel we didn't get time to work on this set till this past week.   I know she is glad to have it made and put up.

Did any of you see this video?  Have hanky handy.