
Monday, January 1, 2018

Random bits....

I started this 500 piece puzzle last night and finished it this morn...well, at noon, but we slept in this morn.

Daughter and I made the valance above and the set below this past week.

We made the first set of these in the summer.  Due to her work and travel we didn't get time to work on this set till this past week.   I know she is glad to have it made and put up.

Did any of you see this video?  Have hanky handy.


  1. This is THE most gorgeous jigsaw I have ever seen! I would seal it and hang it up. The valances are professional! I cannot believe you made them so quickly! You are an awesome seamstress.

  2. ...every Christmas I would do a puzzle, I don't have the patience anymore.

  3. for sure a frameable puzzle and I can't believe you did it in one day. it would take me years if at all. i like both of the valances and wish i had your talent. the puppy vid is adorable and it is one i have not seen

  4. Another nice one. I wonder how many puzzle we both will do during this cold winter! ?

  5. You have some really pretty puzzles! Stay warm today.

  6. Wow---I'm impressed. How long did you stay up working on it?????? It would take me about a week or two in order to do that... We used to do one every year when the kids were young --and when we'd go on vacation.... We put it on a cardtable --and everyone would work on it at one time or another....

    Cute Puppy Video.


  7. Beautiful puzzle. I'm thinking I may have to go to puzzles with less than 1000 pieces.

  8. Lovely handiwork at the window and the puzzle looks fun. Happy New Year!

  9. Well done, Rose. The New Year is a day old and you've already notched up some impressive makes. I love your valences. They look very professional. Happy New Year!

  10. Rose, that video has me crying this morning! That is soooo sweet. I'm so happy for those little boys. That is a pretty puzzle! Gosh, we have such cold miserable weather here right now, I need to clean off the dining room table and start a puzzle for Poppy and me to work on. I'll get one at Walmart this morning. It is 10 degrees this morning with snow predicted for this afternoon. That's pretty rare for us here in NC.

  11. Hi Rose, I love that beautiful puzzle! I would want to frame that one. And the valances are lovely and look so are very talented. I wish I could sew that well. Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year filled with many blessings! xx Cheryl

  12. Super puzzle picture---what a nice one to do.
    The valance is nice and I am glad you and daughter got it done,.

  13. That is a very nice puzzle! You and your daughter make a good team in sewing. Aww...the video is so touching. The boy couldn't hold back his tears of joy! Makes me cry too!

  14. such a beautiful puzzle. love to solve it.
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