
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Accidents happen

I had been on just a simple blog break, and was about ready to start blogging again. Then this happened.
I had an accident Feb 12...
the result is two pins and a plate.

I slipped on ice on the edge of our porch...there had been ice on the very edge of the porch the day before...about 6 or 7 inches along the edge.  The next morn, it looked like it had melted and was beaded up water.

I was still being careful, was reaching for the hand rail, and my foot hit the 'ice' and slid, it hit the step, and DID NOT body weight carried me turned my foot backwards...I was sitting on it...I don't even know just how it all happened...I just remember pulling my leg/foot from under me...

Roger wanted to help me up...I said No, look! and pulled up my pant leg.  No bones poked through but oh, you could tell things were not right.

I called an ambulance, and called Lorelei's mom...the one EMT said it about made her vomit to look at it...

To make a long story short, I chose to go to a hospital in Terre Haute that is classified as level 2 trauma center...had surgery that night and came home the next day. 

I still can put no weight on it...that will start in three weeks.  Or at least that is the plans right now.  I have had huge fracture of them that popped made a big black scab...I was debating on showing a photo, but it might make you sick at your stomach.  Anyway, I go to wound care every week, and let the doctor look...and in the meantime, Roger and I change the gauze pads and all that every day...put medihoney on it. 

Just thought I would post this...going to copy and paste it to my other blog....


  1. oh dear me, that looks like a huge break. I hope it all repairs quickly for you, meanwhile take things easy!

  2. ...I have been thinking of you happen, several times I was going to email you. but of course didn't. I'm so sorry to hear of your accident, take care my friend.

  3. I have had you in my prayers. I am praying that it will heal correctly and quickly. So sorry this happened to you.

  4. You really did a good job at that fall.Yikes! This all sounds very painful. Make sure you obey doctors orders and stay off that foot till they tell you otherwise.

  5. Rose, I am so sorry. The pain must have been terrible. I'll sure be thinking about you. Hope your leg heals fast and you will be walking again soon. Little Lorelei's smiles will help keep you cheered up. You take care.

  6. I emailed before I read my blog roll. The xrays are scary. I still have the plate and pin in my foot which is bothersome sometimes depending on the weather. Take care and do what the doc says.
    xx, Carol

  7. i am still praying for you and for Roger and your girls.. praying for that foot to heal quickly and get you back on 2 feet. love you Rose

  8. Well, that isn't exactly the blog 'break' you were planning. Winter comes and when I'm home I keep a pair of Yaktrax on one set of boots that I wear around. Falling at a senior age is not a good thing, and it looks and sounds like you really did it up big. Glad your surgery went well, now hoping the mending and rehab process does good too. Take good care of yourself.

  9. Oh Rose that does look BAD!!! Heal fast. I never heard of fracture blisters---email me a pic please.
    Anyway take care

  10. Oh Rose, I hope you are doing better. I fall, trip and twist all the time. That's why I walk indoors...I am not to be trusted out. Will be praying for a speedy recovery and I hope it doesn't hurt too awful bad.

  11. Ouch! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hope you heal quickly.

  12. Oh no, late reading this Rose and sorry for the delay but am still catching up on comments. I am so sorry you had to deal with your poor leg/foot. Saw your latest post and want to wish you speedy healing. I know these things take time.

  13. Dear Rose, I am so sorry for your misfortune. How terrible for you and Roger. I wish you a speedy recover. All the best, Bonny x


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