
Thursday, April 12, 2018


This week I at last got a walking boot....and actually walked a few steps yesterday for the first time since February 12.  The therapist does not want me walking without she is here.  So, I felt like I got my wings clipped real quick. 

I do put it on and stand and put part of my weight on it.  She had me put my foot on the scales and press down till I had put about 35 lbs of pressure on it.  And that is what I am supposed to do.  But I am only supposed to have it on an hour at a time...I think I actually left it on an hour and a half...wanted to do the partial weight a couple times.  There are other exercises she wants me to do that I can do just while sitting.


  1. I think you should have Lorelei decorate it for you...some glitter, neon paint, jewels... ;o)

  2. Those walking boots are so much better than the former walking casts. I was in one of these a few years back when I had sprained my ankle real bad.

  3. steps! Follow directions.

  4. OMGosh!! I did not realize the full impact of your injury until I read this post and saw the picture. I can't imagine what you are going through, both mentally and physically. I forget if you mentioned how long they expect the healing to take? I'm pretty sure you don't need to be reminded to follow the doc's instructions. Those exercises are so important. I can't tell you how surprised I was at how much muscle I had lost when my boot came off. Keep your chin up. Time won't fly, but it WILL tick on.
    Much Love

  5. Stay focused on your end goal. I would not like to be limited either, but time will pass!

  6. this boot looks like something from another planet, as in Aliens have visited... so happy you have it and are standing even a few times a day, prayers and fingers crossed you will walk soon...

  7. Bless your heart- I can only imagine how hard it is to sit still for so long, but you are getting better and stronger every day. Sending lots of good thoughts, prayers and {hugs} your way!~

  8. Bless Your heart.... I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this... Since I've been sick, I too have learned how to be patient ---and will admit that it's very hard for me. I am better SLOWLY --but there's lots more to be done. I don't think I'll ever been the 'same -active-crazy-fun-loving gal' I used to be..... I've slowed down a lot.... BUT---I'm alive and kicking so I guess that is good!!!!!!

    Hopefully, if you continue to be patient and follow the doctors/nurses instructions, you will be back to 'normal' soon.... My love and prayers are with you, Rose.


  9. This looks and sounds serious. Here's hoping you follow the plan and are back up and around as soon as possible. :-)

  10. Rose, you take care. I've missed you and Lorelei. I bet she has done a lot of worrying about you. Sure hope your injury heals fast and you can be out and about again. Love, Henny

  11. Hello, Rose
    I am sorry you are going thru this. The important thing is to follow the doctors and therapist directions. Sending my prayers and healing wishes. I hope you are back to normal soon. Take care and have a happy day!

  12. Well, sounds like they are taking care of it but know it must be painful :( Speedy healing my friend. I like Joyful Quilter’s comment about letting Lorelei decorate it for you with a bit of glitter. The thought of seeing her do that made me smile. Love to all and sending a big hug :)))


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