
Saturday, February 9, 2019

This and that

I made this little zippered bag was an experiment in size and also I used a sew-in stabilizer rather than one that is first ironed in.

This looks like a completely different bag, but it is the same one. Just different lighting. In real life it is the color of the first photo.  I chose to show this second view to show that it stands up on its on.  That is why I use a make the sides stiff enough to hold their form.  As is usual, it is a learning process in how I am going to make the next one.


This is my current read...The Man called Red:  An Autobiography of a Guide and Outfitter in Northern British Columbia...his memoirs start out with him growing up and becoming a cowboy to begin with. I am to the point where he has become a Forest Ranger.  I am only a bit past 1/4th of the have a lot of adventures left to read.  I tend to like memoirs and autobiographies by people that are not famous...just the common man or woman.  This one is not exactly one that I can't put down, but it is well worth reading.


  1. I love it. Wish I could make something like that.

  2. You always find the prettiest materials to work with.

  3. they do look like two different bags, and I am with Ginny, although I wish I could I never will. just thinking of putting in a zipper unhinges my mind...

  4. Judy@newenglandgardenandthreadFebruary 10, 2019 at 6:35 PM

    Love the bag. I made one this weeks that looks similar in size but I put the strap on the wrong side. I'm debating about ripping it apart and redoing. hmmm.

  5. You are so talented Rose. I love the color of your bag and its pretty pattern. Isn't it interesting how the lighting changes the look of things? I think that when I look at the photos from my deck camera out back of the birds. That looks like a very interesting read too. Thanks for sharing and have a great week :)

  6. The zippered bag looks nice and very practical if it can stand on its own. Nice fabric, too.

  7. The little zippered bag is wonderful! Very clever. And thank you for the book recommendation. Several books on BC have come to my attention lately, and it's fun to hear about new places. Thanks!

  8. I don't use a wallet. I use a pouch with two zipper pockets on the outside. I will be making another this year. I tend to like a sew in stablizer and not too stiff.

    Nice pouch.
    xx, Carol

  9. I love this cute little bag! I have made them....but not in a long time! I would have to learn all over again! Enjoy your day and happy reading!

  10. Oh how I love that little bag... I use little bags like that for a variety of 'things'...... That one just looks perfect!!!!! You are such a talented lady.



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