
Friday, March 22, 2019

Gobble, gobble

We saw the local flock of turkeys on the way home yesterday.  They are about directly west of where we live, maybe a mile.  They are out in this cornfield right past the last house at the edge of town.  The most we had seen till yesterday were nine turkeys.

But yesterday there was at least 13, maybe more.  They were busy looking for food and not paying any attention to us...I am not sure if we were even 75 ft from them.

I was trying to make noise to get there attention...I finally found a noise that would draw a little bit of attention.  I could get 3 or 4 to puff out their feathers and fan their tails.

I have better pics over HERE on my other blog...but cannot resist adding two or three or four more here.

We have Lorelei for the next 3 we are set to have a good weekend.  It has been a while since she was here for the weekend.  I cannot tell you how strange it is when she is not here.   

I hop you all have a nice weekend...


  1. You're such a good grandma!!

    I went back to read about your accident and couldn't believe how badly you were hurt. I am very thankful that I just have bruises and a wrenched knee which will be fine I'm sure. With the average wait at the ER is 5 hours I wasn't about to go have my knee X-rayed.
    Isn't it a coincidence that both of us fell on our porches!

  2. What fantastic shots of the turkeys! Enjoy your weekend with Lorelei!

  3. I love how you got a picture of just their fanned out tails! You are The Turkey Whisperer! I hope you come back with lots of pictures of Lorelei, and stories about the fun you had!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This is a great photo series!

    Enjoy your time together this weekend...looking forward to hearing all you did when the time is right.

  6. Wow, you got some great pics! I know you are enjoying the weekend. Beautiful and sunny here today. I really miss my granddaughter's visits.

  7. Judy@newenglandgardenandthreadMarch 23, 2019 at 2:29 PM

    Have a marvelous weekend!! Our grandkids have so outgrown sleeping overnight. We have lots of good memories of when they did, but no more on the horizon for us. So, have a laugh for me too.

  8. so glad you big girl is there for the week end. these are really handsome turkeys and awesome shots of them, I can hear the gobbles now

  9. You got some great shots of those turkeys. I just love how their tails fan out.

    Enjoy Lorelei's company, it is wonderful that you are so close to her. Very special!

  10. Great pictures of the turkeys! They look very different from the ones I see in the freezers at the grocery store.

  11. I'm always trying to get a pic with the tail fanned out, but usually I get their backside. Nice shots! Hope you are having fun with Lorelei.


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