
Saturday, April 20, 2019

One good day...

Tom brought our lawn mower back this afternoon...he had put Sea-foam in the engine/gas...and had replaced the blade for us.  It started with one pull.

I quick ran and got some fresh gas, though it was full...then changed to old jeans and shoes and started mowing.  Roger came out and would mow a little, then I would take it from him and I would mow a little...and I pulled weeds.  He gets so dizzy if he bends over I hate for him to even attempt to pick up sticks but he just will do things.  He does not like to sit while I work like that. So it felt wonderful to be able to do something.

And our neighbor just would not take any money for the work...barely took enough to pay for the blade.   But how do you pay for time is worth a fortune just cause we know he is completely trustworthy.  If he says he will do something, he will do it.  And honest as the day is long.


My BFF, my sister (she is married to my brother) had told me about these clothespins and I had almost ordered some, and was planning on it while in St. Louis, but was waiting to time it so we would be home about the time they came.  Well, she up and ordered some for me, and they came yesterday!  I love them...they have a good strong grip.  They are pretty, too!

I had planned on getting a load out early today, but it was so overcast the first half of the day, and I swore I felt a drip of rain a few times.  Finally the day started brightening up and I quick threw in this old blanket, and a throw for the couch, and what I call my 'neck towels.'  They are hand towels, but I keep them in my chair and roll them up to fit behind my neck.

The wind was blowing so hard they stood straight out a big percentage of the time and the clothespins kept everything in place.  The towels had a bit of a damp feeling in the ends but both the big blanket and the couch throw were dry within two hours.  I just laid the towels on my drying rack...

This month marked the 15th year since my brother had a brain tumor and had it removed.  He was given 6 months to a year to live...maybe a year and a half if lucky..but I think they stressed the 6 months to a year.  But God had other plans.  He is 10 years older than me, still raises a big garden, still climbs up and trims the trees back when they need it, still traps every winter....stays busy all the time.

So it has been a good week...


  1. Your brother experienced a miracle!! What a blessing that you have such a wonderful neighbor! The clothespins are so pretty, you could almost make a craft with them. Your blanket is pretty!!

  2. I shared your brothers story with my 3 best friends via email. they are all 3 going through horrible health issues right now, one has Lukemia this will lift there spirits and give them hope. so happy for your brother and for mine, he is 3 years since his cancer.
    I saw the photo and thought what the heck are these, and why would someone order them for you. then I scrolled to the blanket and WOW . I had no idea these even existed....

  3. We used to have a neighbor across the street before he died. When we moved in we were in our early 20s and he had just retired. He was like a grandpa to us. When Terry got laid off, we woke up one day to find a Ham for Easter on the hood of our car. Terry was always fixing things for him. He never offered money and Terry never expected it. But Terry fixed things and some later day Ed would bring over post hole diggers. He said he'd never use them again and knew Terry would. So there you go. Neighbors help you and are happy to do it. You feel good about them and they feel good about themselves. THAT is what this country needs more of. I'm glad Terry and I live that way.

    Happy Easter
    xx, Carol

  4. What a great neighbor!!
    Your brother is a another walking miracle. :)
    I am going to get some of those metal clothespins!! Nice and colorful too.

  5. God is so Good. You are seeing that in th love of fMILY AND FRIENDS. SO HAPPY FOR YOU.

  6. Judy@newenglandgardenandthreadApril 21, 2019 at 4:44 PM

    Your brother's story is certainly a good one, and you have one great neighbor. There aren't a lot of those left anymore. Glad your mower is working, and those are some mighty spiffy clothes pins. Glad you had a good day.

  7. I hadn't even heard of those clothes pins. They look pretty.
    Thank the Lord for good neighbours like you have.
    My husband's brother had a brain tumor removed just last year. It had caused him to be deaf on that side ( where it was growing) and his hearing has not come back but he is alive and well!!

  8. You are blessed with a wonderful and kind neighbour. I like these metal clothespins but ours are not colourful like yours. They come in very useful and very durable for a long long time. Praise God for your brother's life and health!

  9. Your neighbour sounds wonderful and as others have also said your brother is a another walking miracle.

    My prayers and good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. What a great neighbor. I would like one like that, but would probably drive him crazy. =) It's so fun to see things on the line. No one here has clothes lines in the backyard. I can't remember when I saw one last. Mama always had one, and the best time was when she healed enough from surgery to get her hands over her head to hang the clothes. I remember that celebration. =) Your brother is a miracle, and you are counting your blessings, I can tell. =)


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