
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Good news

It was good news at the dermatologist....I wanted to share that good news and to thank you for your prayers.  She did freeze 3 or 4 places off, and one place we are going to keep an eye on. 

I have shown the tulip before, but it sprinkled this morn and I could not resist more shots...

These are so much darker in person.  I don't know why they photograph looking so purple.  Which they are purple, but they look almost black in most lights.

Again, taken by my phone.

I was waiting for the insurance adjuster to come when I was taking these pics...he was coming to check our roof.  He came, but the roof was wet from the rain, and he said he just could not say for sure.  He was supposed to try to swing back by today, but if he did, we were gone to the dermatologist.

I cannot see any damage, but this roof is only two years old.  And the awnings have dents in them.  Honest to goodness, last Thursday when the hail hit the house, it sounded like someone throwing a baseball hard against the roof.

Anyway, just had to share the good news.....


  1. I'm so thankful and happy for you!!!

  2. Hooray, an answer to our prayers!!! Your iris is stunning!!

  3. Yeah for good news at the dermatologist! I go every September. Lovely Iris:)

  4. Thank God for the good news. Love the deep purple of the flower. Hope something can be done to the roof.

  5. YAY for derm good news and boooo for hail on your roof. I have only seen hail twice in my life and they were tiny and could not do any damage. I have seen them this week on the news though. hope the roof is ok....hugs and love coming your way.

  6. Thant is very good news from the dermatologist! The iris is beautiful. I hope they will take care of your roof damage quickly.

  7. I would love to see that iris in person. So unique. I'm so thankful for the good dermatology report.
    Let us know about your roof.

  8. AWESOME!!!! So happy for you. I have had a similar problem when photographing the dark purple Iris.It is still a beautiful flower.

  9. That's very good news Rose, and am happy for you. Your tulip photos are wonderful. I've noticed my cell phone brightens colors up. I take almost all my photos by cell phone these days. We had a new roof several years ago because of a hail storm. I'm glad our car wasn't outside because we saw a lot of cars and every square inch looked like someone had taken a hammer to them. Good look with your insurance adjuster.

  10. Glad you had the adjuster look. I used to manage an insurance agency and lots of time people had damage that THEY did not see. And, I've seen so many holes in vinyl siding and car paint jobs caused by hail. We were lucky, we didn't get hit, but they other side of South Bend had a hail storm hit there. Glad your plants weren't ruined either.
    xx, Carol


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