
Sunday, June 30, 2019


I have been going to do a post for the past couple of days....I had this to show you:

I do not know the name of this day is the third color I have blooming and I haven't even taken time to photograph the others.  I took this probably 3 or 4 days ago.

I for sure planned to do a post last night...but it didn't happen, with good reason.

We were sitting here, and Roger got up and headed out of the room, and started coughing.  His chronic cough.  He got on past my chair and just as he got to the kitchen I cannot explain what I heard.  But a big crash, and no more coughing...just total silence...I cannot even begin to convey how silent the house felt.  I tried to jump up, but could not get this recliner closed...I know it was only seconds, but when your heart is in your throat, time does stand still.

I got in there and he was laying face down in the floor, his arms down by his side.  I got down and put my hand on him, I suppose to see if I felt movement, but I really don't know,  but I said, 'Roger!  Roger!'  And he came to himself and said 'I'm okay! I'm okay....I just got too lightheaded.'  And he got up and continued on to the bathroom.  I could see no sign of a bruise, no knot on his forehead or any place else...nothing...and still cannot today.   I wanted to take him to the Emergency Room, but he insisted he was okay.  He stayed up two or three hours more, and went to bed.  I stayed up for a long time listening for him to be up.

I followed him to bed around 2:00 am and he was sleeping fine...

Today could have been such a different day....I am so thankful things are as they should be in this, though I am stressed in other ways.  I will save them for another post.


  1. Thanking God for this! And though it worked out well, I bet this has made you more nervous than ever. Maybe he should have a walker for the lightheartedness? The lily is gorgeous! Don't know if I have ever seen one such a beautiful color.

  2. I can only imagine your fear when you hear that fall and then saw Roger on the floor. I'm glad he did not get hurt.The flower is lovely.

  3. I am so glad Roger is okay. I can only imagine how frightened you must have bee.

    The gorgeous Daylily might be "Ramble on Rose". It is so pretty. I am going to look for one because I would like to own one myself.

  4. Beautiful colour. Good to know Roger is okay and not hurt. What a scary time you had. Must have been a stressful time for you.

  5. Oh geez, I know that feeling well. We have been battling to keep Terry's BP stable. It gets too low and he is dizzy and light headed but that is a LONG story. I'm glad Roger is OK. I'd tell you to relax but as I well know, that is not easy to do.
    xx, Carol

  6. i can feel your fear, i have felt it also, and we both know what we think it is if that happens. so glad he is ok. when Bob fell like that the first year we were married, it happened at about 1 am, turned out it was inner ear infection. i know you were thinking of the other but maybe this is his inner ear. prayers and hugs coming your way. gorgeous Lily. i would not have been able to sleep either.

  7. Sounds like maybe his med dosage should be adjusted? That's my 1st thought. Be sure to bring it up when you both visit the
    m d's.

  8. Oh My ---how scary... I know your heart was pounding... Glad Roger is okay and wasn't hurt..... God Bless BOTH of you.

    Love the colors and design in that Day Lily... Beautiful.


  9. Oh how scary. Sure glad Roger is okay!!!

    What a beautiful flower!!

  10. Beautiful day lily, and so very happy Roger got back up and things are somewhat back to normal. These 'golden years' are challenging for all but for others it is a much heavier load. I hope Roger has a good rest of the week which means you will too.

  11. OH MY! You scared me! I am glad Roger is fine. Hopefully, it won't happen again.

  12. I am so glad that your honey is okay. It wold be a scary time for anybody.
    Sometimes, I have to figure that some of us are stronger than others; otherwise, we couldn't get through some parts of life.
    You are excused for not blogging when you wanted :) Take all the time you need for real life, as it is much more important than blogging. We will be here when you get around to blogging again!!

  13. The detail in this lily is ASTOUNDING! What a fantastic capture!


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