
Monday, June 24, 2019

Not much happening...

I have taken a break from many ways can you express that?  I call it freeing myself of items, Or letting go or sending them to find a new home.  What term do you use?

But how crazy is this:  I found these old 'catalogs' and was happy as a clam.  Though how do people know clams are happy, anyway?   I thought I had thrown them all away a while back when I ran across them but either I stuck them back or else these are more I had saved.  On the back was this:

What a rush of memories this elicited...bringing back some of the best memories of my entire life.  I lived at what was my favorite spot on earth when we had this address.  I had to shed a tear or two.  Sort of wishing I could go back to that time, but not if I had to go through all the rest of what has happened since then.

When we lived in Tennessee for a year and a half, I got started getting these...they are maybe 6 or 8 pages long.  It is a book catalog....all I did was choose the books I wanted, mail in my choices, and they were mailed to me free of charge.  I think I could keep them as long as I wanted if I remember correctly, and then stick them back in the bag and send them back.  Free of charge.  Oh, I am sure our taxes paid for them...but we didn't have to go to the post office and pay to mail them back.

Each book only had a line or so describing what it was about.  Only a few had pictures showing the book cover and it was a very small photo.    So when the books came, it was sort of like getting a Christmas present.  I could not wait to open the bag.  (They were mailed in a zippered cloth bag.   Through these books is how I found one of my all time favorite books, Tisha, by Anne Purdy as told to Robert Specht.
I am hoping to return to the chore of getting rid of things before the week is over, but it won't happen tomorrow as we have an appt in Carmel, Indiana, which is basically Indianapolis....just on the north side.  I shaved Roger's head, and tried to trim his beard today.  I am not good at it.  I don't know what happened but part of his beard just wants to grow so wild.  It did not used to do that. He cannot do that trimming, but he can shave, so am relieved he can do that. 

Anyway, another day will be the yard, and another day Roger has to go get allergy shot, but that doesn't take long.  Hoping that is all that we end up having to do.

I hope you have a good week and that you find time to do the things you want to do.


  1. I think my favorite posts from you are where you just talk about your everyday life. I clicked on Tisha and BOUGHT it!!!! Your high recommendation is enough for me! I wonder if there still exists a mail-a-book service anywhere? Probably not.

  2. Hi Rose, just getting caught up in your posts. Those Asiatic lilies are so beautiful. Well I applaud your efforts to get things cleared out esp. if it is just clutter at this stage. It is a lot of work but will be worth it when you are all done. Take care of yourself now.

  3. When I was a young wife and mom stuck out in the country with no vehicle and 2 very young children I had the same sort of catalog for ordering books free of any mailing fee etc.. I believe it was from the U of Manitoba . Like you say, when the much-awaited books arrived it was like a mini Christmas. Sometimes the books were disappointing but mostly I enjoyed them.
    How great that you rediscovered those catalogs now while cleaning up.

  4. There are things that I find it hard to part with or to give away. Especially those with sentimental memories. I hope you and Roger are doing well. Take care.

  5. I'm not so sure I could throw all those memories away so easily. I'm just that way. With all that's going on with you & hubby don't forget to take time to breathe...time for yourdelf.

  6. i thought i had heard of everything to do with libraries but this mail out of books is all new to me. what a great idea that was for back then when people did not have access to libraries. when we were in KY it was a 40 minute trip to a library and schools did not have libraries. i love Cumberland Gap, we went through it and stopped there every time we did the trip from Savannah to KY... i enjoyed your memories

  7. I love that mail a book somewhere. What a neat idea! I used to have a basket on my bike when I was young and I would cycle up to the library and fill it to the brim with books. Couldn’t wait to get home to start reading them. Thank you for sharing all your memories and every day happenings Rose, an enjoyable read but then I really do love all my visits here.

  8. I've never heard of that books by mail thing. Oh but I sure know what you mean about wishing to go back to those happy times. Sometimes at night when I am sewing I get to thinking about times and places in the past and just get a sad feeling. We have been cleaning out too. It is amazing how much is packed into drawers and closets. I tell Dan, we should just empty drawers into the trash and not even look to see what's in them. Your flowers are so pretty! Had to read back to catch up. Love, Henny

  9. Reading your blog has inspired me to start reading again. Yesterday I downloaded a book online and listened to it. Couldn't keep my eyes uncrossed due to the pain medicine because the day had been spent at the dentist. Still, it was nice to be "reading" again.

  10. I have never heard of books by mail either. What a wonderful idea. I suppose today people download from the internet, but nothing beats holding a book and turning the pages.

  11. I used to belong to a book club years ago. Now I just look through Better World Books on line and find a used book.

    My daughter has been visiting again. I have been "decluttering" too. I put it in a box if it's useful and she takes it away. I'm not sure what she'll do with it...garage sale or maybe sell on line. Anyway I'm glad it goes. She'll get it all when we die anyway and I don't have it taking up space, lol.
    Have a safe 4th.
    xx, Carol

  12. We did lots of de-cluttering when we moved. We just called it downsizing. Probably should just call it real cleaning :-) That must have been fun getting books like that in the mail. I was never in anything like that but I did belong to several of the mail-order book clubs for years and was always excited by the catalogs and the books that came. I found a lot of great authors to read through those clubs.


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