
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Nothing much new here...

The above was taken last week, or the week before.  With my phone.  I need to experiment with some scenic shots with it.  I know it does not do good at stopping motion.  If something is moving just the tiniest bit, it results in a blurry photo. But then again, maybe it is operator error.

I have not had a very productive week.  The yard was mowed again, and I did most of it cause Roger was otherwise occupied.  He and our neighbor were trying to get the rider to going.  It had set all last year without even being started.  It needed a new battery, so they got that done and it will run, but now the deck is sitting crooked.  Will take another day to work on that. 

I spent a big part of Friday trying to get some forms filled out on line...with a doctor for Roger.  I could get on and fill out things, but could not connect it to the place we are going.  And they need it before we go.  I called when I first started...say maybe 9:30.  They were busy and I had to leave patient name and date of birth along with phone number.  I waited and waited and waited some more.  Finally on up in the afternoon, I decided to call again, and pressed a different extension number.

I told the girl what I needed and she started to try to connect me to the right department, but saw that they were real busy.  Something about my voice, probably the desperation in it, must have got to her.  She had pity on me and asked how far I had got.  She said, well let me try to help you.  She gave me a code didn't work.  I don't remember the exact terminology but she knew something didn't match.  She thought maybe I had typed in the date of birth wrong, but I could see that I hadn't.  So she looked on her end, and it had been entered wrong there.  I bet I could have waited the rest of the day and would not have got a phone call because they had the wrong  date of birth.

It has rained all day long...maybe a few minutes here and there it stopped.  But never for very long.  I don't think the creeks are ever going to go down enough to take Lorelei to Mansfield to wade.  Every time she is here, or coming, she wants to know if we can go.    I hate disappointing her.

Not much going on.  I hope all is well in your world.


  1. I hope the deck gets fixed. Looks like a stink bug on this beautiful flower. You are so lucky that a kind woman finally came on the phone!!

  2. indeed you are not having a good day or days. it is so frustrating when things don't do what they should and we have no idea how or what to work on. something as simple as a wrong date in their system caused you hours of pain. so happy she decided to help... this means yet another doctor. sorry to hear that also.. hope the creek stops rising so L can wade. we got rain 4 days in a row, badly needed rain..

  3. I am glad you had a nice visit together. Your flower photo is beautiful.

  4. Gosh, how I hate dealing with insurance companies, doctor's offices, government agencies, or anything dealing with technology. Life is getting more and more complicated. Technology is not making our lives easier but instead, it seems we are becoming slaves to our machines.

    It may not seem like much, but you climbed a mountain this past week. Good job.


  5. Paperwork for dr./ins. is enough to drive us all crazy. Thankful for the kind lady who helped you. I'm glad you've had some rain and cooler temps. We are creeping back into the 90's again. Wishing you both a good week. xo

  6. For decades...the biggest frustrations & stressors are DOCTOR'S offices & staff. They don't like me & I seriously don't like dealing with THEM. To top it all off, I was told to avoid stress (and it's the cardioligists that stress me most!! Go figure)

    I do hope it works smoother for you & Roger all the coming weeks. We don't need that.

  7. I hope you have a better week ahead. More productive and more sunshine!! Here my SIL has flown back home and life will go back to normal again. Our forecast is for more hot and dry so I will have to do a lot of watering around the yard!

  8. Good that the problem of a wrong birth date entry has been rectified. I like the close up of the pretty flower and the insect.

  9. I think sometimes quiet weeks are good ... glad u had a nice one. rained here today. thunderstorm. a bit of loud claps here and there. one that really scared me. lol!! have a great one. ( :

  10. Beautiful flower and a very nice snap!
    Peace :)

  11. That's a pretty shot of the flower and the bug. Sounded very frustrating filling out the form and coming up against a brick wall so to speak, but sounds like you finally got the right person. We're due for some thunderstorms and rain for the next few days. It's supposed to start up at around 1, any time now. It is very dark out there. Have a great day Rose, I'm thinking it's a good job you got your grass mowed.

  12. Nice that the woman took the time to help you.
    But it shouldn't be the exception when you get helped!

  13. I totally agree with happyone above. It should not be the exception but the rule. People helping other people:)


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