
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A hosta tale...

This first photo does not look like many....they are on the left side of the door on our one time I had planted two little plants on each side.  One of the ones on this side died...and the other was as close to being dead as could be.  There was more of these on this side last year...not sure what happened.  There is one more that is not in this photo.

We had and electric wire come down on top of the garage and it touched the step and ground right by them...but they did not do good even before that.  But it was like the electric shock hurt them even worse.

As some of you know, I love rocks, and collect them wherever I go, and the neighbors that know I love rocks will pick me up a rock when they travel.  I got the bright idea to put rocks around them. 

Look at the other side:

I could not begin to count these.

The ones on the right side take up a space at least 6 or 7 ft. long.  And I only planted two little hostas to begin with...they came from Walmart.

Every time I go in and out of the garage, they make me happy.  I figured putting rocks around would help some, but never dreamed it would help that much.  And they are big as my two fists put together and on up in size. 


  1. Like that idea of placing rocks.

  2. This is a perfect place for the rocks. But also, the Hostas themselves are big and beautiful, with showy leaves.

  3. I love both the rocks and the hostas. So pretty.

  4. Hello,
    The Hostas look pretty, it is a great idea to use the rocks. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend ahead.

  5. I like Hosta too. One time I told someone where I live and they said Oh yeah, the house with all the Hosta. I don't know why I like them so much, but Hummers do too!
    xx, Carol

  6. The plants are very healthy and they make the place beautiful.

  7. Whatever it was, those Hostas are looking plenty happy where they are.

  8. I wonder if the rocks heat up the ground and maybe the hostas like the extra warmth? Just a guess. I love rocks also, which makes my life easier since we are in one of the rockiest areas of the county.
    The hostas look great so whatever you are doing, keep doing it!

  9. I wonder why some of the Hostas are doing so well and others are not. It's a mystery.

  10. wow, all this from 2 plants and they are gorgeous. did not know rocks would help them grow, but it looks like that works with your rock collection.

  11. These are beautiful! Many of the plants on the other side of our front door died. I'm not sure how that happened either as they both got the same care. The Hosta's we have are so big now they need to be divided. Was wondering if I could replant the divided parts but I will have to get some good advice on how to get them to survive the replanting :) Have a great weekend Rose :)

  12. Wow they have done great with the rocks.
    Wish you lived near me, I'd give you ALL the rocks you WANTED! As you know we will never run out of them!! : )

  13. These are so pretty, love the idea with rocks, have a lovely week☺


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