
Friday, July 12, 2019

Got to show you this....

I have been meaning to take a picture of one of these hostas for weeks now...I wish I had got it done before they started shedding their blooms.    That is my flipflop setting on the leaf....

I don't have huge feet,  but not tiny either.  These were just a couple I bought at Walmart maybe 3 years ago....I think I bought them either right before Roger's stroke or maybe a year before that.

In our life 'BS' has an entirely different meaning to what most people think means Before Stroke.


  1. Pretty (big). I wish I could grow hostas but my yard gets a lot of hot sun...maybe the next house.

  2. I have one of those very large blue Hostas too!! I think it was/is called "Elegans" if I remember correctly.

  3. Wow, I have never seen a Hosta like this one! I think they are more prized for their leaves than blooms, but these white blooms are so pretty as well. And abundant!!

  4. The Hosta leaves are really big! The white flowers are very pretty too. Have a happy weekend!

  5. Those are the biggest leaves I've ever seen!

  6. That is one nice big healthy Hosta. I have a lot of Hosta in three different shade areas. I LOVE them. I have some big ones but I'm not sure if they are that big. :-)

  7. I have one of those HUGE Hosta too. Terry hates Hosta so he accidentally mows over it. He CAN be a jerk sometimes. LOL.
    xx, Carol

  8. Those are some big leaves. I understand the before and after thing. My life is before Jake passed or after.

  9. Hostas are certainly a favorite of mine. Goodness....the leaves are so big and I know that the blooms were absolutely gorgeous!

  10. Oh my goodness Rose! I've NEVER seen them this big before! And the flowers...extraordinary!

  11. That's some hosta plant! I didn't realize they could grow that big. Lovely shade plant.

  12. Big big leaf for sure. My Hostas didn't come up this year. Don't know why. And yours have white flowers and mine were purple.

  13. Don't think I've ever seen a Hosta with leaves that big. I have Hostas too, but none that big.

  14. I WANT ONE! Never would I use my shoe as a scale reference. My feet are so big it would dwarf anything I set it beside.


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