
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A funny

 I suggest you click on these to see the expanded view...take a look at the above and see if you see anything funny.  I did not see it till a while after I took it.  Since then, any time I run across it I get tickled.

It was one of those pics that I just didn't really do much more than glance at.  Then I seen it...

Can you see it now?

I actually think someone could use Photoshop and do this, but I didn't.  It  came out of my camera like this.  Just like the photo in THIS post came from my camera...only it was cropped as the last two above have been.  I thought only owls could screw their head around this much.

I have been trying to get a few things done...stuff that most people keep done.  I gave my fridge a good cleaning day before yesterday, no maybe yesterday.  The days all run together and some of the time it is good I have a watch to tell me what day of the week it is.

Anyway, I did the fridge, and then went through and tried to organize my food shelves.  Tell me, does yours stay organized and if so, how do you keep them that way?  I have enough green beans and corn till I should not have to buy any for 6 weeks!  I found so much stuff that was outdated...I hate admitting it but it is the truth.  But I got those two things done.  I think I did them the same day....

Today when we got home from McDonald's,  and I decided it was time to get the front porch scrubbed good.  I usually do that in late spring or early summer, but did not get it done.  I was soaked by the time I was finished with it.  I did not realize we needed a new nozzle, and by the time I did, I was done fairly damp, so did not stop to go get one.  It needs to go on a list for Walmart.

Roger has his allergy shots tomorrow...he has one in each arm.  He only has them every other week now and I am so thankful for that. 

I feel like I am forgetting to tell something funny but I cannot think I will wish you all a good rest of the week..


  1. That is a great capture of one very acrobatic bird. Oh my! Now I feel like I must get at my grocery shelves before I go back to the school bus. No,they don't stay organized for long ,but at least I would see what may have reached the expiry date and beyond.

  2. The picture is amazing and magical. Maybe he was shaking his feathers really hard! Keeping my fridge straightened is a daily job it seems like. One thing that helps is that a year or so ago, I bought some of those clear fridge bins at Wal-Mart. They really cut down on clutter.I use two for cheeses, can also keep yogurt in one and so on. That way, everything of the same kind is together.

  3. You got a great shot of that upside down Starling ( I'm guessing that's what they are).
    Organizing is my "thing" so my shelves stay pretty well organized. I have a clipboard where I keep track of how many of each can I have on the shelves. It works unless DH takes something out and forgets to mark it off.
    I got stung by a wasp on Tuesday and my hand is all swollen and hot. It stung me right between two fingers. I'm not sure why the Good Lord made wasps. They're nasty things.

  4. Hari OM
    Well, being the one who loves puzzles, I didn't even notice you had cropped shots below it and studied that first one to death before I realised you were referring to the starling who was concerned about the flight path of the one above!!! tHEN I scrolled down... yes, virtually all birds have this capability - do to bifocal vision. (They only see what is on each side, hence the need to track like this.) But you didn't need to know all that, just that I spotted it!!!

    I am pretty organised - but something that seems to happen even to this slightly OCD tendency is that things start to build up on the counter and I can never figure out why. I am a 'put it back where it came from' kinda gal and yet... so every quarter or so, I have to do as you have been doing! YAM xx

  5. That is funny about the bird! lol
    You have inspired me to do some cleaning around here.
    I wish you both a good day.

  6. That is just so strange. I didn't know birds could twist their head around like that either. That's funny.

  7. I know exactly how that little upside-down bird feels because it is how I feel today! So much to do and not enough time or energy. I needed a laugh. Also, NO!, my refrigerator does not stay clean or neat.

  8. What a great capture Rose! Birds are always so interesting to look at and oh my, if only I could do that but it hurts even to think about it, lol! Cleaning out your fridge reminds me I have to get mine done. I try but it never stays organized. I could say that we have enough aluminum foil to last us for over a year! That's what shopping at Costco's does for you and we often shove it in the back so that we don't realize after a while that we still have it! One of us goes to Costco more than the other and one of us doesn't check, lol! Might be going to McDonalds tonight for dinner :) We have just bought a high-pressure spray to clean our deck and the side of the house. Enjoyable read Rose, thank you :)

  9. The bird photos are great. The upside down starling is unique!

    My food shelves are untidy. I’ve been using the canned items recently in an effort to keep them from expiring. The fridge I cleaned out after a recent vacation but it will need to be done again soon. There’s always something to do. I hate housework.

  10. I didn't realize birds could do that either. Great capture.

    My pantry shelves are always organized and tidy. Helps to have a nice big pantry. The door to mine has glass in it so that makes me what to keep it looking neat.

  11. I didn't think anything about that little bird's head. I just thought he was looking at the incoming birds. Terry always complains that I don't notice stuff. I haven't been doing any chores. I do keep my fridge organized. My bit of OCD makes me keep things in their proper place in there. Terry is always saying he can't find anything in it. He just wants everything to be in front of his nose!
    xx, Carol

  12. you should change your name to busy bee... all that work exhausted me reading about it. you go girl... that upside down bird is adorable... maybe he was drunk of berry juice? so sweet, all of themmmm

  13. That one bird doe seem to be disoriented. You just happen to catch him doing his antic.


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