
Monday, August 26, 2019

Old and falling apart...

Just a little photo...nothing to do with this post.

I just wonder how many of you struggle with getting older.   Do you accept it and go on and do the best you can do?  Do you struggle against it...or rage against it?  I must admit I have some of all the feelings.

Yesterday, Lorelei's dad came to borrow something of Roger's...while we were waiting for Roger I had him see if he could start the power is just easier to have him do it.  Somethings Roger thinks he can do and can.  Others he cannot.  Anyway, it started practically first pull.   Jeremy came for a chop saw, but went home with a bit more. A band saw rather than the chop saw...and acetylene torch and tanks.  Jeremy will use them and that is better than it setting there.

Anyway, got three sides of the house washed as well as the north side of the garage...the other sides could use washing, but they are nothing compared to the sides washed.    I was worn to a frazzle by the time I did them and Roger felt like he had to be out there, and I did need him to start the power washer a couple times.  And he helped with the hose, etc. But the real fun began when we were taking the hose off.  I cannot tell and do it justice...but for something so simple to get us both so worked up and worn to a was one of the times I raged against my age, against what my body is doing.  But eventually we got the hose lose, I got the hose wound up and Roger got the power washer put away.

Oh, I guess the photo looks like I feel and look....I have sure seen better days physically.  But I am still here....still moving.  And it feels so good to get something accomplished that has been worrying me in the back of my mind for such a long time.


  1. Yes, I think about our age a lot! How old are you anyway? I am 70. It is hard to come to terms with. So many things that I cannot do anymore.

  2. I definitely think of age a lot --- Andy is 84 and I'll be 80 by the end of the year, which is officially not just old but very old. We don't rage against it, just do the best we can with what we have left. At the rate time flies we don't have much time yet, so we're making the most of it.

    We live in an apartment down here, so I don't have many physical chores to do. Andy has a lot more chores (of his own choosing) up on the land, and they are gradually taking more time and a greater portion of the energy he has left.

    I do exercise regularly and am careful with my diet which seems to help a lot.

  3. "much time yet" should have been "much of it left".

  4. I love old homes,my inagination akways starts to work when I see them☺

  5. Hari Om
    It does bother me somewhat that at 60, I am not nearly as agile or fit as many of my peers. I was always an active person, though not sporty. I wonder if I had been more interested in gyms and running and such... but really, not my thing. I do what I can, but also am fairly accepting that I just can't do what I did even five years ago, never mind 'when I was young'! YAM xx

  6. Hello,

    I am 62 and feeling some aches and pains. I try to ignore them and move on.
    Got to keep moving. I think I am accepting getting older, what else can we do? Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead!

  7. I am beginning to feel the difference as I age. I am taking one day at a time, and pray for quality life.

  8. today I read all the comments which I rarely do... now I know how old all our friedns are but not YOU... I must say I am not happy with the age thing and really tired of no energy and stumbling on nothing and wish bob was what he was. but at 83 and 75 we do OK just not fantastic. I can tell you I could never power wash the house and boy does it need it. everything we do here is a Big Deal, just winding up the hose OR trying to plug in the crockpot in the outlet behind the toaster oven.. it really is a big deal... the summer of 2017 our ac went out and we had to put the small window ac in the kitchen window. bob and I thought we would never get it in. we know we can't get it out, so it is sitting in the window for 2 years now and there it will sit until we die..

  9. Recently one of my young friends on Facebook posted a video of herself power washing her driveway. Her young son was holding the camera. Out the door she came wearing a pair of white shorts and a tank top with her beautiful blonde hair up on her head in a stylish way. Oh dear, I wish you could have seen her when the job was finished! You can imagine! :~)

  10. I love that old barn.

    I'll be 50 this winter which I guess is relatively young still but the women in my family rarely make it past 64 so I'm a little bit freaked out at getting older.

  11. I don't think of age if I can help it. Let me tell you I can feel muscles I never knew I had sometimes tho. I find myself napping in the middle of the day which 30 years ago I wouldn't have needed them.

  12. Every now and then I rage against the age too. It happens when I become acutely aware of a loss of some kind such as diminishing eyesight. Aging is tough. And it doesn’t pass! We adjust!

  13. I do like the photograph.

    Yes, getting older is not always easy, but we all do the best we can.
    I think it's important to keep moving, keep trying and if things take a little longer … does it matter!

    Enjoy your week.

    All the best Jan

  14. … must just add, eat healthily too :)

    All the best Jan

  15. Well, now, didn't you post something that got everyone's attention. :-) Love the photo but always feel sad when old barns can't be kept up. I get it though - money, lots of money. Aging is not for the faint of heart, and those marketing folks in AZ who came up with the term 'golden years' ought to get a kick you know where. I do what I can but it always takes longer and is harder than I remember. I have a suggestion for power washing which is a huge job - Wet and Forget. A bottle costs around $25 and you blend with water in a sprayer. You spray it on, and that is it. It sits there and when it rains it washes everything off. I use to rent a power washer, but for the last three or four years I've been using Wet and Forget. I use it on the house siding and all of our fence panels.

  16. I've been blessed with good health and though I am 68 I really don't feel it! I've not slowed down yet. People tell me once I hit 70 that will change.

  17. This getting older is not for wimps. I don't usually fret over my age but this year, turning 70 really hit me hard. I know I still have so much to be thankful for and try hard to see those things.

  18. You had a battle with that hose, didn't you. That same thing happened to us recently, only it was a hose on the front faucet that was leaking. Finally Terry got a wrench because neither of us could get a tight enough grip on it to make it turn. Take a breath girl, you are doing great. It's hard not to compare ourselves to how much work we USED to do. Do what you can and pat yourself on the back for the accomplishment.
    Much Love to you.


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