
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sweet moment in time...

As we drove back through the strip pits the other night, we began to see a few deer.  In total out there we seen at least 10, maybe 11.  I am just not sure about one.  But this mama and baby were close to the last we saw out there.  Roger thought it must have been a late baby since the spots are still so bold.  I was in an awkward shooting position, so could not get a better shot.  (I always have an excuse....)

Yesterday the a storm was moving through...with wind.  There are enough leaves on the ground till it looked like a herd of wild horses racing along the street.  I just could not believe there were that many.  Another strange thing was I could hear the wind howling in the it does in winter.  Only in winter it is close enough till you feel like you can reach out and touch it.

I had a weed in my flower bed...well, I have more than one but this one was huge and I have been meaning to go out and pull it, but for one reason and another I had not done it.  Day before yesterday I was headed to the garage and thought I would pull it on my way.  And I did, and was walking away and going to take it and put in the compost pile.  I no more than headed that way till something got me on my forefinger that was carrying the weed.  I thought it was a packsaddle....about the time I had that thought, I had a yellow jacket about to get me on the arm....and out of the corner of my eye I saw them swarming up out of the ground where I had pulled up the weed.

And you know, I learned something then.  I can still run!  LOL  Maybe not fast, but since my fall, I have not felt like I could run, but I ran then.  And I did not get stung again.  How I escaped the one that one on the arm is more than I know.    I cringe at the thoughts of how I have been down on my hands and knee in that area more than once not that long ago.  I am so thankful they were not there then....because no matter how I try, I am slow getting up.


This was taken over a week ago...just saying...

I hope you all are having a nice week.  I am slowly becoming accustomed to my new washer.  It will for sure do a bigger load than my old one, but boy, is it slow. 


  1. WOW! Good thing you were able to get away from those critters. The deer shot is very cute.

  2. you have me worried, I have a couple of spots where the yellow jackets have created burrows in my back yard. I normally take my foot and pound them down...maybe I shouldn't cause I'm not to sure how fast I could run. ;o)

  3. Wow, you could have been stung multiple times! We don't know what we can do till we HAVE to do it! So this situation was a win win!! We had a nest of yellow jackets under the ground, that is where they live. And woe is you if you mow over them! A neighbor came over and set the ground on fire for us.

  4. Bee & wasp stings. NOT good. Now, I'd let the weeds take over 'til cold weather moves in.

  5. That is a sweet photo of the deer. So thankful you were not hurt worse by the yellow jackets. The guys working on our porch warned us about yellow jackets at the base of one of our trees.

  6. Hello,

    Love the sweet deer, beautiful! I am glad you were not stung. My hubby has had to run away from these bees while he was cutting the grass. Enjoy your day!

  7. Good to know you can still run when you need to.

  8. Oh, you certainly brought back memories of being stung 24 times two summer ago when I sunk a shovel in the ground not knowing they were living there. Very glad you only got stung once although once is more than enough. :-)

  9. Cute picture of the mama deer and her fawn.
    I'm sure glad you were able to get away from the wasps. They seem to be everywhere at this time of the year.

  10. Sweet deer. They prune the lower branches of the apple trees and eat all the windfalls so we don't mind
    Oh you will get used to your washer I am sure.
    Nice to know you can run to save yourself. I don't know if I could.

  11. Cute picture of mama and baby deer. Good thing you managed to get away and found that you could run too. Slow but steady washer. Happy weekend, Rose!

  12. Oh my that was certainly a close call. God was looking out for you that day! :)
    Wonderful picture of the mom and baby.


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