
Friday, August 30, 2019

The last of the coneflowers

This will probably be the last coneflower shot you will see for a little while.  I love coneflowers when they are blooming, but oh what an ugly mess they can become.  But when they become that ugly mess, is when the goldfinches love them.  I have left them a good while, but today was that day of reckoning.

First I stood and looked and looked to make sure I seen no yellow jackets stirring around anywhere in the mess.  I didn't see a single yellow jacket...for something so little they can carry a powerful punch.  So Roger came out to see what I was doing...I gave him the job of manning the wheel barrow.  and I pulled up coneflowers and weeds and grass.  Remember I said it had become one heck of mess.  I don't know how many loads went to the compost pile, but we got it done.

I had sprayed round up earlier....I am not crazy about using it but my weedeater is so hard to start that I just quit battling it a few years ago.

I came in from all of that and did up dishes after I showered...I am done for the night.

Which leads to the fact that I can watch Jeopardy again!  We have Directv and have been without that channel for I don't know how long.  We have missed Jeopardy, even if it was reruns...and Songland...I was so afraid we were going to miss The Voice.  So I am a happy camper that way.

I hope you all have a nice weekend...Lorelei is here tonight, and possibly tomorrow of my daughters is going to come sew tomorrow.  After a visit to the quilt shop!  So that is fun to look forward to.


  1. Enjoy a relaxing evening. Sounds like you have more than earned it.

  2. I really can't think of anything more enjoyable than spending a day sewing with a daughter. I love your quilts! I am getting the urge to clean up some of the annuals in my garden, but the goldfinches have been all over the place, so I'll wait a little longer.

  3. I'm surprised you pull your coneflowers out. Are they not perennials?

    Have a great time sewing with your daughter tomorrow!!

  4. Yes, I have seen the mess that coneflowers make. What is this fuzzy critter on it? Look at those long antenna!

  5. Have a wonderful weekend! I hope it's restful and fun.

  6. You have been busy. I hope you two have fun sewing. You'll have to share what you are working on. Hope you and the family have a blessed weekend.
    Glad you will be able to watch your shows again!

  7. It sounds like a great weekend in store! Enjoy!

  8. Relax and enjoy your lovely weekend!

  9. Yay for a visit from L and your daughter and getting the mess cleaned up... the voice was our favorite of all reality shows, until Songland, now Songland is in first place and The voice in second. glad you got it back. all the shows we like are AGT, American Idol, So you think you can dance, DWTS, World of Dance. World of dance is in our number 3 spot of most liked.
    Yellowstone and New Amsterdam are our two series we like most. we loved For the People and The village, both of which they canceled and my beloved Madam Secretary and Designated Survivor were canceled. we don't watch any other TV except bob and his racing and sports

  10. Hello,

    Our purple coneflowers are looking kind of ragged too. The Goldfinches do love the seed so we leave them. I could not spray anything here since we are on well water. I have heard too many law suits on the Roundup causing cancer.
    Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  11. Our Echinacea are still going strong except for one bunch in the way back garden. I have 5 different colors---I like the Sombrero series.
    Good to have L and a daughter come to visit. Sounds like you will have a fun weekend

  12. I usually just let all the cone flowers dye and do the clean up in the spring. Not much of them left by then.
    I'll be watching what the new people will be doing to my gardens at the old house.

  13. I love coneflowers. Beautiful in their prime. Sunflowers too but when they start to go the birds get a feast. Looks like you have a great weekend planned with your family. Enjoy the rest of it Rose :)

  14. To be so pretty, Cone flowers really are ugly when they are through blooming. I have a little patch that needs to be cut back. We have Direct TV too and for the longest time have been without the channel that shows The Price is Right and our favorite news channel. Seems they just got things worked out. Hug miss Lorelei for me.

  15. First, Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. Second, I love Cone flowers but for the life of me, I can't get them to grow. I do have lilies and those are ugly and messy, after they are spent, as well. Of course, same goes for my roses. Thanks again for visiting and I'll be back to read your blog more!

    Grace & Peace,

  16. I know what you mean about the Cone flowers being unsightly when they are spent, but the Finches do love them. And last year, I didn't remove them until close to frost so they self seeded and tripled my patch. So this year, I plan on letting things self seed again. I'm finding that the more plants that are in the beds, the less weeds can grow!! Grant you, it isn't easy to navigate through them, but I manage. A busy weekend for you so enjoy!...:)jp

  17. That's such a beautiful shot. I'm a big fan of coneflowers!

  18. A day sewing with someone you love! Life doesn't get much better than that...unless she brings chocolate candy.


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