
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Deer season....a funny

Being that hunting season is here, and I have heard it mentioned elsewhere, it brought to mind this story.  It has been published a couple times before,  but whether you hunt or not, I think you might find this at least amusing...maybe even funny.  It is one of the stories that would only happen to my husband.  Or his cousin.

A friend wrote a story about one of his hunting excursions. Being the wife of a hunter and sister to hunters before that, I could identify with a lot he said. About 5:00 being the witching hour for hunters, or for my husband when he is meeting fellow hunters it is sometimes even earlier. Also, unlike rotten apples to disguise the human smell, hunters now have doe urine. I wouldn't want to mistake that for my perfume, now would I, but that is besides the point.

This is a story of one of my husband's hunting trips. A few years ago he decided to hunt out on property near the orchard where I worked. It actually belonged to the brother of my boss. A day or two before the planned hunting trip, he and his buddy went out to decide where they were going to put their tree stands, and in so doing had to hack out a path through some of the undergrowth.

On the morning of the hunt, they met here before going out is at the most 10 minutes from here. They get out of the truck out there and the farm cat greets them. It is young, not even a year old.  Roger pets it just a second and he and his buddy proceed down the path...they get to the 'y' in the path and his buddy goes one way while he goes they other. The cat follows my husband.

He is hunting with bow and arrows, and hunting from a climbing tree stand. So he gets to the tree he has chosen to use, and gets his tree stand situated on it and climbs up the tree. I am not familiar enough with the process to paint a good picture, but it is a tree stand that he does the physical climbing with. It has two part is the actual seat and the other is the part he stands on....THIS is a video from you tube and does show how his works.

When climbing up to a tree stand, he always ties his bow to a long rope and once he gets up as high as he is going to go, he pulls the bow up with the rope. He gets the bow up and gets situated...he hears this meow. It is still practically dark, so he kind of looks but doesn't see anything. He sits back, and he hears it again! And he can hear it so plain...he does not have the best of hearing. So he gets his flashlight out and bends way over the tree stand while shining it all around and still doesn't see anything.

He sits back again and hears it again! And he felt something on his legs...he looks down at his feet and there sits the kitty! It had sat by his feet as he climbed up the tree. It proceeded to climb up into his arms, purring all the while, and doing the rubbing thing that cats do when they are happy to see you. He held it out at arm's length and dropped it!

Did it run for home you might ask. The answer would be no. It played around the bottom of the tree my husband was in, chasing leaves or anything else that caught it's imagination. After a while of playing, it climbed out onto a dead log and went to sleep!

This is an honest tale; I don't have the imagination to make something like this up. And this is only the tip of the iceberg--things like this continually happen to my husband, my older daughter, and my husband's cousin.


  1. Awww, this is so sweet! I would not have had the heart to drop it. I think I would have brought it home!

  2. Yes, its a very amusing hunting story. The kitty must have taken a liking to your husband when he first gave it a pat. Good thing it didn't follow him home.

  3. Oh good. I'm relieved because I was sure you were going to say your husband had fallen out of the tree.

  4. I guess the kitty wasn't harmed at all. I'd be wanting the kitty's company more than hunting a deer. Besides, now I know why I wouldn't wear perfume!! lol

  5. that is a weird looking tree climbing contraption. I have never seen one or even a photo or video of one... I am with Annie, prefer Kittie over hunting. Bob is always telling me hunting stories, and a lot of them I tell him I do not want to hear them... it is odd and funny the cat went with him, they don't usually do that. the question is, did the cat scare off the deer? this is kind of like a kid throwing rocks in the water next to a fisherman casting....

  6. What a sweet cat! You may be talking me into being a cat lover -- if I could find the right one. :)

  7. Animals instinctively know who they can trust, so that says a lot about your husband. However, I am sure a squirming, wriggling, meowing cat might not be a good thing to have on a deer stand, since deer will spook at the least little movement. It is a good story, Rose!

  8. Hello,

    What a cute story. No one in my family hunts, but we live in an area that allows bow hunting. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

  9. Funny story, Rose. Cats are adorables! :)

  10. Oh Rose, you told the story perfect! I can so relate. My husband uses one of those stands too. I can't wait to tell him this story. I've never heard of kitty following a hunter into the woods and then riding up the tree with him. That is so funny. Dan was just telling me about a big yellow and white cat that walked under his stand this morning. Mostly though he sees dogs. I'm embarrassed at the deer hunting story I told on my post yesterday. I need to hurry and post something else. :)

  11. Now that I'm a cat person (recent, completely unforeseen development), I had to chuckle because I know how insistent a cat can be when they want your undivided attention. My cat would've clambered right back up into the tree stand and commenced pushing her head under my hand, wanting rubs. Cute, they are. xoxo


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