
Tuesday, November 12, 2019


I was washing dishes yesterday, and I got to thinking about my sister, Fran.  The above post card was one she sent in the 1960's...but that is not what I want to write about.  Though how I ended up with it is more than I know.  And it has been in my kitchen cabinet for a long time.  I get it out and touch it and read it every now and then.

Of our family, I think she was the favorite of us all.  Here is one story about her...and I thought I would share another story that again shows how she was.

For a few years when the kids were young, we were living pay check to pay check...I just had to plan every dollar.  Well, this one Christmas, I had to wait till the day before to buy groceries to do Christmas dinner.  I don't remember if I already had the ham or not, because I would buy it ahead if I could catch it on sale.  Well, Christmas Eve was my in-laws wedding anniversay and we had to go there to see them and take their anniversary gift.

I was thinking we could visit with them and run by Kroger's there near them to pick up groceries.  I don't remember if I actually went and left Roger there with the kids, or if I called, or how I found out, but Krogers was closed!  I called our local grocery here in our town, and they were open but would be closed before we could get home.  So I called my sister.

She made a list of what I needed and I told her how much I had to spend.  I don't remember the amount...but every penny was planned.  Well, we visit a bit more and then head home and stop by my sister's to pick up the groceries...I paid her the money and we loaded up and came on home.

My, oh, my what had she done!  I cannot remember what all there was extra...there were mixed nuts, there was ribbon candy, and I don't remember what all else was in the bags.  But she had probably come close to spending twice what I told her.  Just getting things she thought we would enjoy.   And would not think of letting me pay her.

Just such sweet memories.  I hope you have some to would be fun to hear some good, heartwarming stories.


  1. Now that is true family love in action.

  2. How wonderful she was. This post is a lovely tribute to her!

  3. I love this story of your sister. She sounds like such a warm and generous person. I'm not sure if Fran is still around and if so, do you see her from time to time?

  4. This post is so apt. It's kindness day here in uk when we are urged to do something kind for another person or persons. This need not be much, even smiling at a stranger can make a difference to that person.
    I'm going to have a go when I go out.
    How different the world would be if we all just smiled at one another.

  5. Hello,

    What a lovely story, your sister is sweet and kind. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  6. Fran was such a sweet women. I really liked here. Glen always had fond memories of getting to go on vacation with them.
    She was so funny and had so many stories.
    The first time I met her, she brought me a lovely keepsake, that I cherish still today.
    I can truly imagine her doing that with the groceries, just because.
    I really miss her.

  7. You are blessed with a great and wonderful sister. My sister too have blessed me with new sets of bed coverings and etc.

  8. What a nice memory. We have had numerous nice things done for us. My sis is wealthy. Way more than I would have thought until I took her to the lawyer to have a will made and Power of Attorneys. She has dome so much for us including putting a new roof on our home.

    We used to play Tripoly every single New Year's Eve from the time my Grands were old enough to play until they were old enough to celebrate with their friends. We always played for pennies which I always supplied before the game began and kind of kept a bank going as the game progressed. I always let the kids keep the pennies they had won. My oldest grandson would always ask me to trade his pennies for other money. Gosh, I miss those kids!!
    xx, Carol

  9. this is a wonderful story, heartwarming and perfect for the days before thanksgiving. my aunt was just like your sister. she was daddy's sister and a second mom to me. she saved our bacon with her generosity many times for my parents when I was growing up and then for me when raising my boys. every year just before school started, she gave me her Sears charge card, and said by the boys 5 jeans and 5 shirts and underwear and socks..

  10. sounds like a super sister.......don't have sisters, just brothers.....

  11. Sisters are so special. I have a feeling you would have done the same thing for her if the table had been turned. This is a wonderful, heartwarming story...just perfect for this time of year!

  12. Your sister was a gem for sure. You have sure great memories!

  13. A very heartwarming and uplifting story Rose. A very sweet lady your sister. So kind and loving and wonderful to read. Thank you for sharing this lovely memory.

  14. Wow...your memory is so fitting for being thankful and the season we're about to have. You write it in past tense?! she no longer with you & your family? You also mentioned ribbon candy. That is something I had completely forgotten until now.

    LOVED reading this

  15. Wow...your memory is so fitting for being thankful and the season we're about to have. You write it in past tense?! she no longer with you & your family? You also mentioned ribbon candy. That is something I had completely forgotten until now.

    LOVED reading this

  16. That is a wonderful story and it brought tears to my eyes.
    What a very special sister.

  17. I have a pretty great sister but she'd turn chartreuse and sprout wings before she'd do what Fran did that night! However, there were a few times when we were children that she did something every bit as selfless and special. Thank God for sisters. xoxo

  18. Hello Rose. Thank-you for sharing those wonderful memories about your sister.
    Thank-you also for visiting Life In New Zealand, and I appreciate all your comments. I read your introductory poem and absolutely loved it.
    Cheers, Margaret

  19. I just love reading your stories--whether about family or trees or bubbie or anything. You have a way with words I just love

  20. I love this fun fabric panel. And the binding is so pretty and professionally done. I hope Roger stays safe; is he using a walker?


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