
Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday happenings and more

I got this in the mail yesterday...a good friend sent it to me...she is someone I met through blogging.    It is hard not to sit and read it all at once.  I sat right down and read yesterday's devotion when I got it, and then today read today's and they both were/are so fitting for how I have been feeling.  I searched for it on line and when January ends I am going to order it.  It is published bi-monthly and I think if I ordered it now, I bet I would still get this current issue.  At least that is what I have had happen with quilt magazines.

Another friend showed her thumb on her I tried to take one of my is my right thumb so had to take pic with left hand.  Not an easy task for me but I did get one good enough for you to see.   I did this at the end of August...that dark spot was down at the very base of the fingernail when it was first done.  It is taking its slow sweet time growing out.  My hand slipped off a wrench, and I hit this metal edge on the power washer.  It hurt....


More not so great photos and video...the ones that I take are just taken with my little P&S camera. I am on one road and those buildings are over on the next least half a mile away.  Maybe more.  And those geese are about midway between the farm buildings and me.  If  you expand the view, notice that big old red tractor! 

You might want to turn the sound off or way down on this video....

While the videos don't look so terrible on my computer, I don't know what happens to them when uploaded to youtube...they become even worse than they really are.  Still you can get a feel for how they were today.  This time they were over in some farm fields.
I keep meaning to tell that my current read is
The Good Earth by Pearl Buck... it has been years and years since I read it though I have looked at it several times and thought about starting it again.  If I knew, I forgot that it is the first of a trilogy.  I don't know if I have read the others.  The second one is The Sons, and the third is A House Divided...and that title sounds so familiar but I honestly don't think I have read it.

I hope you have a good weekend....


  1. What an incredible sight to see so many geese like that. Incredible. Our flocks are so much smaller and they are Canada geese.

  2. Great picture of both the geese and the tractor! So many of the geese together makes an awesome picture. Pearl Buck is such a wonderful author. Actually, there are five books in the complete set. I have read all of them except the fifth one.

  3. I enjoy seeing the patterns of the birds in flight! What a sweet blog follower you have. These devotionals must be just the right thing for you. Sometimes God uses people as His angels!

  4. One of the thrift stores I go to has a rack when you first come in and there are little daily devotion booklets there but I've never seen this particular one. Those short devotions are just right when you're pressed for time.

  5. What beautiful pictures you have taken! We have a lot of geese around here but I have never tried to get a picture - I guess I should sometime. I remember my Mother loved The Good Earth. I hope you have a good weekend!

  6. Hello,

    I usually look for the books first using my online library. It is a cool sight to see the geese, they look so pretty in flight. ENjoy your day!

  7. So many birds. You get such neat pica of them.
    That nail is healing nicely - you are lucky you didn't lose it. when I smashed mine a couple years ago - it eventually fell off. OWIE

    Take care dear!

  8. It is amazing that the daily devotions we read speak to us. God knows. Ouch! Your thumb must have hurt terribly when it happened. Never seen so many geese before.

  9. I have only seen 4 geese at one time. we don't get them here very much. just once in a great while. I saw four at the park once. this looks like hundreds of them and I do see the big red tractor. I am used to seeing big green ones, not red. you might google search for online devoitons they can email to you, I saw a couple for caregivers and a blog for caregivers. like and on line support group... hugs, love you

  10. I'm glad that devotional is speaking to your needs right now. I love it when that happens.

  11. That is certainly a lot of snow geese - and they make quite a noise don't they?!
    I'm glad your thumb is healing up well, and how lovely to receive the little devotional book like that.
    Hope your weekend is going well. Mxx

  12. Thanks for the video. I have trouble with YouTube too, but at least the videos give people an idea of what we're talking about. There are LOT of geese!

  13. Oh boy sorry about the nail, they do heal slow don't they. I love reading devotionals, they are so uplifting to me.

  14. Your videos are really good. I've seen the geese flying when they show it on TV, but can't imagine standing there watching them in person. Made my thumb hurt to look at that blood blister. Bet that hurt.

  15. Do share what you think about the book. I am always looking for something new to read. My preference is for audiobooks because I like listening while I'm resting. Usually, it is easy to find classics online.

  16. You may be able to subscribe to daily devotionals that are emailed to you!! Love the snow geese!

  17. You were very lucky to see so many gees.

  18. Oh very interesting book darling

  19. i love books, so fun. glad you found a new one to check out. i see you head to McDonald's ... we love their coffee. so good. 8 cream and 8 sugar in a Large is our go 2. in Canada it is a bit different ... i think is a 4/4 ... so tasty. even get their coffee for our Keurig. take care of your thumb. my hubby has been trying to get his toe nail to grow back, they really are delicate ... take such time to mend. ( ;


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