
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Not quite a three dog night....

Instead a Two Cat Night....

Every so often, I have a night I can't sleep.   I cannot say that this was a sleepless night...I think I dozed a little bit over an one point I had been to bed and read a long while and tried to go to sleep in there but just could not settle down...then came in here and boy did both cats come to attention when I came in and picked up the quilt.  Soon as I got it spread out, here they came.

Roger's ear was hurting this weekend, but he did not want to go to urgent care.  Then it snows Sunday/Monday and I did not want us out in that.  And when I asked how he felt, he just said he felt strange..and I did ask about his ear and that was his answer...and he has not mentioned it hurting again.  I should say that any time I asked how he feels, his standard answer is he feels strange.  I really am stupid, though...he has never mentioned an earache in all our married life.  So should have taken him whether he wanted to go or not.

But his hearing aid had been whistling so bad, he could not stand to wear it and he had lost the little  dome that goes on the tip of it.  So we went down to the hearing aid place to get it fixed this afternoon right after lunch. She looked at his ears first and said that he had an infection, and she was afraid that the dome was stuck in there.  I called our doctor and she was not in today, so he ended up going to Convenient Care.  We were down to Terre Haute before 2:00, and it was almost 4:00 before we got out of there.  It is just an infection...not that that isn't bad enough. 

I have waited since we got home to get notification that his meds are ready but have not received notice. I am to the point I am ready to go get my pjs on.  Roger always says he looks forward to when it is time to go to bed.  I look forward to taking off my shoes and putting on my pjs.


  1. Yes, it feels good to get our P.J.'s on at the end of the day! Kitties know comfort when they see it, are they litter mates? So was the infection caused by part of his hearing aid being stuck in his ear? Or did he find that part?

  2. I love getting my pj's on, feels so good. I hope Roger is feeling better.

  3. I hope you get that medication for Roger and that it clears up the eat infection. Strange that he didn't complain more of pain.
    Your cats look very cuddly.

  4. Dear Rose, I know how you feel. Being a carer often means you can get stressed and tired, and it is so easy to overlook a problem like a sore ear, but all we can do is our best. It is not an easy road but one we must travel when needs be. It sounds like you are doing an amazing job looking after Roger, and I hope his infection soon clears up. Sending you love and hugz, Mxx

  5. Hari OM
    Oh, I know that exhaustion and the end of day sigh... back here at The Hutch after nearly four weeks 'on duty' with the father, I have slept almost non-stop for four days!!!

    Sorry that there was an infection and add my good wishes for it clearing up post-haste. It's enough to have to do all the standard cares, anything else on top somehow magnifies things. Take care of you so you can keep up with taking care of he!!! YAM xx

  6. Hope the medication helps to heal the ear infection. After a long day, bed time is the best time.

  7. I hope by now you have the meds, they usually work with in 24 hours. when I get something for infection, I go to the pharmacy and wait. used to have paper, now it is sent through computer. I still go. I go up ands say my husband has a UTI, which was last month, I want to wait on the precruitpion, and they say 15 or 20 minutes. once I was really sick, I was coughing and hacking. I told them I needed it right away, he said 30 minutes. I said I will wait, I sat where he could see and hear me and I hacked more than I needed to. 10 minutes later I had the meds... love the 2 cat night

  8. I had a really bad sleeping night last night. Some nights my mind wonders back, and I just can't turn it off.
    I hope Roger gets to feeling better and you get the infection in check.

  9. Oh geez, Terry got one of those caught in his hear. I could see it but did not want to try to take it out. Luckily we could go over to the VA and get it removed.

    Our kids are here from LA so I'm taking a blog break but did want to stop by here to say Merry Christmas.
    Much Love

  10. They look so cute! Sorry to hear about Roger’s ear and I hope the infection clears up quickly. Always feels good to get into the PJ’s at the end of a long day, and sounds like you deserved to get comfortable after a day like that. I hope your weekend is a good one Rose, and that Roger feels some relief soon.

  11. Hope Rogers ear infection clears up quickly. Of all things to get that stuck in his ear!!

  12. Hope that infection clears up quickly.

  13. Well first let me say, I would live in PJs and there's nothing I like more than getting ready for bed ... unless it's actually going to bed. I hope Roger's ear feels all better very soon and I'm sorry you and he both had to go through all of that. So annoying. I too have a sleepless night now and then and only one cat, but if I'm up in the wee hours she's in her three level cat condo-crate contraption and does not wake up. Your talk of sewing as a therapeutic activity reminds me of my late mother-in-law, who like you was an exceptional seamstress. She could while away many hours creating things in her well-stocked basement sewing room. Merry Christmas, Rose! xoxo


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