
Monday, January 13, 2020

A bit here and there

I haven't touched them in several days...but I did 5 or 6 of these last weeks....IF I could only have the discipline to do one a day...or so many per week...I would soon have enough for at least a small quilt.  I am not sure if I am going to sew them together like this, or I might put a small sashing between the blocks with cornerstones.

I have a question for you...can you always an concentrate on a real wordy blogpost?  There are some days I just have to go back and  re-read when I can concentrate.  I think that is just me.  I don't remember being this way when I first started blogging.

Do you ever read other's comments on a post to try to get an idea of what to say?  I do every now and then...but I am more apt to make a comment and see that someone else has already said it. 

Sometimes just for fun I got to Sandra's Mad Snapper blog and read posts that include Bob.  I sit and read them and always end up laughing so hard that Roger does not know if I am upset or crying with laughter.  Even before his stroke.  I just read THIS ONE about how much she talks and tears were streaming from laughing so hard.

Anyway, she always tells things they have said and what the other thought was said, I thought I would tell one I shared with her last fall:

I had just let Bubbie inside....he had not been outside very long, but he loves me and came in talking to me....and he actually herds me till I stop and pet him.  I had to walk on into the dining room for something and told Roger as I passed, "Watch him get my seat."  He does that a lot if I have been sitting in it and get up, he runs and jumps in it and lays down.

Well, here came Roger and said, "You want me to do your feet?  What do you want me to do to your feet?"


  1. Funny! I totally agree about Sandra. She just makes people feel GOOD! She knows how to take the everyday little things about life and make them so funny!! She reminds me of Erma Bombeck, do you remember her? I like reading about people's every day lives, they are usually things I can relate to. This pattern is beautiful! I would make a gorgeous fall hanging.

  2. Hari OM
    I enjoy wordy posts - though, I do sometimes have to go back and re-read, just as you mention. I get so easily distracted these days! Yes, I'm a big fan of Sandra - and many others of all different types and word abilities.

    LOL - I hope you took Roger up on his offer, even if it came from mishearing!!! YAM xx

  3. I like that last bit, where Roger mis-hears what you said. A lot of that happens around here because both of us are losing our hearing. Mostly it's funny but it can get frustrating too.

  4. Can I always concentrate on a very wordy post? No, like you I sometimes have to re-read it to take in everything it's saying. And like you I sometimes read other people's comments if no obvious comment comes to mind. Nothing wrong with picking other people's brains!

  5. Hello

    I love Sandra's post and I am big fan of her blog. I am a quiet/shy person and my blog post comes across how I am in real life. So I do not get very wordy on my post. Your quilt blocks are pretty.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead!

  6. Sometimes bloggers will remind me of the comic strip...pickles (an older couple). The hilarity in Sandra's posts are full of puns & humor.

    I'm sure I write too much in mine, but that's just my style.

  7. Sometimes bloggers will remind me of the comic strip...pickles (an older couple). The hilarity in Sandra's posts are full of puns & humor.

    I'm sure I write too much in mine, but that's just my style.

  8. Lol. Priceless!

    I often reread wordy posts to be sure I didn’t miss anything.

  9. OK, now I am chuckling! That is funny.
    I am the same on a long worded ANYTHING. I may read it several times before I get it. I guess I just don't concentrate that hard when I read.

    Lilly 'herds' me when she wants combed. She is very quiet and when she wants to be combed she will talk real loud, walk in front of me, and look back making sure I am following. We go in the bedroom and sit on the bed - then she jumps up on my lap. Sure sign of "comb me". She is normally very quiet and not a cuddler. They sure have us trained.

    Your quilt pieces are sure pretty.
    Have a blessed day.

  10. I love the squares, the colors in them that you are using to put the leaves on. it will be beautiful, keep working on it.. I am happy to know I can make you laugh. I did laugh again about the feet thing. I could do 2 posts a day just listing the miscommunications we have from hearing problems. I just read all the comments today before I commented but only to see what everyone thought.. some times I read a post and mark it unread to go back later before I comment. usually when I do that, I have to THINK about what was written, to better understand it. I don't love long wordy posts but that seems all I can write. I will promise myself I will not do a long post and the next thing I know I have done several

  11. Oh, that's a good story!! Happens all the time here. A phrase that I often say to Terry is "God gave you hearing aids so you can here me talking". It's funny here since the pitch of my voice is the level of hearing Terry has lost.
    xx, Carol

  12. The quilt pattern is unique and very pretty.

    I usually comment first and then once in a while go back and read what others have commented.

    I reread posts at times too if it is wordy. Sometimes there is so much content on a blog that it is hard to figure out what to comment on. : )

    I try to format my post to make it easy to read.

  13. Oh, that's a funny story of you and Roger.

  14. You always pick the prettiest color combinations, such a pretty quilt. I have to admit there are times when I am too tired to read a long post, but I always save it and go back in an hour or two, or even the next day. I usually write before I read comments but I always enjoy others comments, they sometimes remind me that I have missed something that I wanted to answer to. Sandra’s posts often have me laughing, she has a great sense of humor. That’s a funny story about getting seat and feet mixed up. Conversations between husbands and wives can be really amusing, especially if we get at cross purposes. If I haven’t said it before Rose, Happy New Year to you all.

  15. Sometimes I enjoy the comments almost as much as I do the post. I don't hear well and my hubby doesn't listen well, so that makes for some interesting conversations sometimes. There's really no expiration date on the quilt, is there? But, I am, however, loving all that you have done so far.

  16. My hearing is no longer as good as it was, so it is usually me making the silly remarks because I have misheard something. Long posts are fine if they are interesting, and I nearly always read the comments as they can so interesting as well. Like you, sometimes I comment and then discover someone else has said the same thing. Oh well :)

  17. Some bloggers are good at brightening up our days with their posts. I think as we grow older, our hearing will not be as clear and sharp as before.

  18. Your quilt pieces look like Autumn Leaves---very pretty.
    I sometimes like wordy blogs. If the conversation is interesting I will read it but if it is preachy that it for me. Also I don;t like blogs with a zillion pictures---to hard to comment.
    Your blog is always interesting.
    I like your kitty too. Sounds like Roger misheard you---feet seat

  19. Hi there, I'm Jane and I've just discovered your lovely blog and added myself as a follower. I also have a blog, but less than 2 years old. I like photo blogs as I can find it hard to concentrate on long wordy posts. As the saying goes 'a picture paints a thousand words' In my blog I like to give brief notes and let the pictures speak to the reader. Best, Jane :)

  20. Oh that's so funny about Roger and your feet. Here's one for hearing is gone in one ear, so I have trouble hearing, especially if I am busy in the kitchen and Dan is sitting in front of the TV with his back to me...which is most of the time. I rarely hear what he says and he gets mad when I ask "what did you say"? He replies, "if you weren't so death you could hear me". Whew! He thinks the word is "death".

    That will be a pretty quilt when it's finished.

  21. The quilt blocks are beautiful - nice color combinations. I think the sashing would add to it. I can read the occasional long winded post, but I don't subscribe to anyone who blogs daily. I can't find time from life for that plus I'm not sure anyone really needs to blog daily or in some cases multiple times per day.


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