
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A little update

I almost did an update this morn but thought I would wait and see  how the day goes...Roger seems none the worse for wear.  He got up feeling better and sure looked better through his eyes.   He has napped a tiny bit but nothing like yesterday.   He still says he cannot describe how he felt yesterday.

I have a little funny to tell...I forgot to tell this I think.  A few nights ago, the TV was on and there was that commercial for Life Alert where the woman is laying on the floor and saying, "HELP!  I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Roger looked at me and said, 'Help!  I've fallen and I think I'll just stay here cause it feels so good!"  I started laughing and he went on and on, but I cannot remember what all he said.

I hope you all are having a good week...


  1. An answer to prayers, I am so glad!! Wonderful woodpecker photo.

  2. Glad Roger is feeling better Rose. I had a chuckle at his humor. I know that advertisement well. Lovely woodpecker too :)

  3. You get some great shots. I love this one. Hope your hubby continues to feel better.

  4. I hesitate to share this because I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV and I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night ... in other words, not attempting to make a diagnosis. But as health-related anecdotes go, it's interesting and may be relevant. My late father-in-law, about ten or fifteen years before he died, had a day of feeling much like the way you describe Roger being yesterday ... especially the part about not being able to really explain how he felt. It was very unusual for Dad, who was six foot six and very active even in retirement, to be "down" for any length of time. He thought he had the flu and stayed in bed most of the day and felt much better the next day.

    A short while later a doctor, upon examining him, asked my f-i-l when he'd had his heart attack. Dad didn't know anything about having had a heart attack, and he said as much. The doctor quizzed him and learned of the day Dad had had vague but semi-serious symptoms that he found hard to describe. He (the doctor) said it was likely that Dad had been experiencing a low-level cardiac event, because there had definitely been damage to the heart muscle at some time in the not-too-distant past. The doctor explained that a mild heart attack can feel like the "flu" or something equally hard to quantify.

    I hope Roger didn't have anything like that but I thought it was interesting because the way you wrote about it reminded me so strongly of what happened to Dad. At any rate I'm glad Roger's feeling better and I did pray for him today, and for you. Sounds like Roger has a great sense of humor anyway. I love your bird picture. xoxo

  5. Glad Roger is feeling better, but you might want to check in with the doctor just in case. My husband and I also make fun of those life alert (and many other) commercials. Have a good one. Your daughter definitely lives in a very nice, upscale area near St. Louise. We lived on the Illinois side of the river because my husband worked at Scott Air Force Base. Have a good day and see you again soon!

  6. I am so glad Roger is feeling better! He has a good sense of humor too! I love your picture of the bird - beautiful!

  7. Hari OM
    ...and laughter is truly a wonderful medicine! YAM xx

  8. That's funny about the commercial. When your husband sees his doctor again, I'd ask about TIA (since he can't recall symptoms)

    Love the woodpecker photo.

  9. Hello,

    I am glad Roger is feeling better. Love the woodie photo. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

  10. Yay. Glad that feeling passed for Roger! And to come through with a sense of humour! Great!

  11. Glad to know Roger is feeling better and can even make your laugh. Have a great day!

  12. Good to hear that Roger is feeling better and that he still has a sense of humor.

  13. Happy to hear that Roger is feeling better.
    Sounds like he has quite a sense of humor! : )

  14. Roger does say funny things, and this one makes me laugh too. Reminds me of Dan. He says things that crack me up, that probably wouldn't be that funny to everybody else. We just had a beautiful woodpecker come the the suet feeder outside the kitchen window. Had to look it up and it was a yellow-bellied sapsucker.

  15. I follow you #161 ,follow back?

  16. I have always said that one element of a long time marriage is when you can laugh together.
    xx, Carol


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