
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How was your first day of 2020?

I was going to do a post last night and got to messing with my other blog, trying to pic a favorite shot from each month.  Most months I did have several to choose from, but in November I had taken only about 2 dozen shots the entire month, and some of those were blurry drive-bys.


How did the day go for you?  Did you do the things you love to do.  The morn started off with a bang.  We headed to Paris to McD's, and passing by the strip pit area saw lots of bird activity.

This video is very short...for some reason I could not get a good video.. to show them all off.  Maybe because we were so close to them.  I think there were more White-fronted geese than Snow Geese.  Plus several swans. 
I have not sewn this day, but I was messing with my sewing stuff between midnight and 2:00 a.m....and the day is not over.  I may get in there before the night is over.
Someone was talking about seeing someone else celebrating their 2,000th post.  So I checked to see how many posts I have done.  In this blog, I have posted 2,268 times, and over at Time Stand Still, I have posted 2,369 times.  Even though it was started over two years after this blog was started.  I started this blog the last of May 2007, and did not start Time Stand Still till Aug of 2009.
I make no resolutions...though I do hope to do more.  More sewing, more reading, more blogging...and worry less.  But that is a continual goal, not something new.

I hope you all have a good year ahead and I hope you reach your goals...whatever they may be.


  1. I have no idea how many posts I have done, but I have been at it since 2007. I did make some new year goals. I posted about them tonight. Decided to share them with all of blogland! I love your pictures. Have a very Happy New Year!

  2. I looked at the photos on your other blog and they are all beautiful! You are such a talented photographer!

    It is amazing that you have over 2000 posts on two different blogs. Congratulations! One of my 2020 goals this year is to start a blog and I did get my first post up today. The thing is I have such a boring life I don't know what I'm going to find to write about!

    Happy New Year to you and your family Rose!

  3. What an amazing shot of so many birds on the water! I have never seen the like! And what a racket they make when they fly! I think they are encouraging each other, I read that somewhere once.

  4. Great photos of the birds and the video. I don't think I have ever seen that many before. Not sure how many posts I've done. I'd better check my stats. Happy New Year to you and your family Rose.

  5. I'm impressed with how much you already do! I think the "worry less" is the best one, but it's so much easier when we can immerse ourselves in activities that absorb us. I hope you have a wonderful year!

  6. Hello,

    Love hearing all the geese. I have not seen the Snow Geese this winter, maybe soon. Worry less, that is what I need to start doing. We had a quiet New Year's Eve and day.

    Wishing you a happy day and weekend ahead!

  7. That was quite a flock of geese. They can be loud but are fascinating creatures.

    No resolutions here. Looking forward with hope!

  8. Wow, that is a lot of birds! That is just too cool.
    Quiet day here. I spent the day reflecting on the past and the future. Much to think about. Watched a little of the Twilight Zone marathon!! LOL
    No resolutions here either - just continue to improve me.
    Happy new year to all.

  9. Wishing you good health and happiness in 2020 for you and your family! Gill

  10. Wow, so many posts. I have a long way to go yet :))

  11. We had a quiet lazy day.
    I don't make resolutions but will continue to walk, read, and enjoy my days.
    I just went to look up how many posts I've published - 3655

  12. I think I got all of my resolutions covered yesterday. And, yay, even some sewing! Just so we get it in before midnight, right? Ha Ha! However, one of my resolutions is to get to bed earlier, so... I do love all the birds! Happy sewing, Rose, and Happy Day 2 of the New Year!

  13. What an amazing lot of geese both in the water and in the sky. I would have loved to be there watching them.
    I don't make any new resolutions, just keep recycling the ones from previous years. I wonder if I'll ever be able to say I've accomplished them.
    More reading and more sewing should be fun.

  14. I never pay attention to how many postsI have made. I sometimes look back to see when I started my blog. In fact I have looked so many times that I have noted in my blog header. No resolutions for me except possibly to post more. We went today to get Terry a Real ID. There were two Canadian Geese on the roof of the building. I have never seen that before except when I scared to Mallards out of the pond and they flew to our roof.

    Wishing good health for all.
    Xx, Carol

  15. I love listening to the Snow Geese and swan honking as they fly overhead.
    I make no resolutions either---Just hope to continue on with life.
    I don't know how many blogs or posting I have done. Guess I could check it out.

  16. It is fun to see all the geese in large numbers.

  17. wow...these are great!
    I haven't seen the geese yet this year. We need to try Henderson area again.


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