
Friday, February 28, 2020

A Finish and a Not so Finished....

First of all I finished this crazy puzzle yesterday I think.

Now look at the next photos...

Look how crazy the pieces are cut.  I don't know if it is cause they are cut this way, or if it is the actual picture, but it was one of those puzzles that I thought a piece was missing till the very end.  For me, the kitty was the hardest part.  Normally the hard part for me is real dark, dark green leaves.  If you work jigsaw puzzles, is there a color or item that you find harder to work than others?

Now...  you said you didn't mind seeing more of the leaves...

thought I would show you the last three I made.

I have 40 made, but still need to make more.  This leaf project is the 'not so finished' part of this post.

I am still not sure how big I am making it...but  if I wanted to stop soon, I would want at least 2 more leaves to make it 6 leaves wide and 7 leave long.  Or 9 more to make it square.
I finally took the time and added a patch pocket to a pair of my pjs.    The next time I make a pair I will add pockets.  I do not know why I haven't always added pockets.

As I type this we have snow falling again.  I think it is basically only supposed to be flurries but it sure is cold.

I hope you are warm this weekend and that you have a good weekend.

Here's Ken Davis is not the one I wanted to find but it is short so just going to use it.


  1. I like when the puzzle pieces are all strange shapes like the one you did. I find the pieces easier to find. Can't say any color is harder than another for me.

  2. Cute puzzle. You should frame it.
    I just love the oranges of the leaves.
    Yes, it is cold!!!!!! Supposed to warm up come Sunday!
    Have a good weekend.

  3. I really like those orange leaves, each one prettier than the last.
    I have a pair of PJ's with a cute pocket in the pants part. I'd never seen such before. In the top yes, but not on the pants. But it's such a good idea.
    I think I would have found that puzzle quite challenging. You managed to do it in a short time.

  4. The pieces are cut in strange shapes. It did make into a great puzzle. My older brother was ruthless and taking and hiding one piece so he could say he could put in the last one.

  5. Love that puzzle. I forgot how much I like them. Must try one again soon.

    The quilt will be so pretty with the orange! Can’t wait to see it.

  6. I don't think I have ever seen jigsaw pieces with such weird shapes!! My downfall is lots of blue sky or trees and bushes. Too much of all the same thing. The leaf colors are gorgeous!!! I always love seeing them, you have such wonderful color sense!

  7. I love the puzzle. Congrats on finishing it. There really are some strange shaped pieces in that puzzle. I can see where it would be difficult to work. I have the most trouble working a puzzle with a shiny finish. My eyes just are not what they used to be and any glare makes it hard for me to see the pieces very well.

    You have found some of the prettiest fabrics for that quilt! You were worried about it being large enough - I don't think that will be a problem now. That is going to be an amazing quilt!

  8. Congratulation to the finished puzzle. On a closer look at the puzzle, I can say that this is not an easy puzzle to work on.

  9. I love both the leaves and the puzzle, but would rather do leaves!

  10. Hello,

    I have not done a puzzle in a long time, the kitty is a cute puzzle.
    Your leaves look beautiful. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  11. There was a point my son was really hooked on puzzles and he made a lot...consisting of many pieces ( usually 1000 or more ) I sometimes helped and I too had a problem with the darker parts. Well done with your puzzle, it is so cute and yes some of the pieces have a really strange shape!
    I loved your colourful leaves, it's going to be a fantastic quilt!
    Stay warm and enjoy the weekend Rose :)

  12. I always feel a little let down when a puzzle is finished. Those are weird shaped pieces. I have never made PJ pants. I confess that I buy men's knit lounge pants that have pockets on both sides, but I never use the pockets. Sorry you are getting snow again. Our weather person told us that a new band of snow was heading south of us. Today here is 30 degrees then we will have a couple of 50 degree days and rain which WILL melt the snow and create a mud pit in the back yard. Actually, I hate spring for just that reason. Everything looks dirty to me.
    Stay warm.
    xx, Carol

  13. the only puzzles I have done, and there are only 3 of them, were Yam's online puzzles where it is easier because all the straight sides are laying how they are supposed to. puzzles make me crazy, so I don't know about the dark colors. I love the cat and the picture for this one. I wanted to learn to play cards or do puzzles or play games because when the power is out we would have something to do. bob doesn't like those either, so here we are, with nothing to do but TV and reading and playing on computer. I do love polkadots, so those are my favorites... the rule in church for my and my brother was if we wiggled or moved mother pinched the living daylights out of our legs. if that did not work, she told daddy when we got home and we got paddled. I never got up and left a church service in my life.

  14. Ken Davies is so funny. I watched an hour long video of him last night. Funny stuff. I have had a few puzzles that I was sure had a piece missing till I got to the very end.

  15. Leaves are lovely. I do puzzles on line and have issues late at night when it is darker and I'm tired. :-)

  16. everything is awesome, the video clip is so much fun...he's probably never looked at "elbows" in quiet the same way again...

    my ex-loved jigsaw puzzles, but he absolutely hated it when I tried to help...he said I jumbled his sorting. I would look at his sorting and "think what sorting" - I always had problems with clear blue skies.

    we have gone back to drought - we had a day/night of rain - and now it's dry-as again (I'm in New Zealand, Auckland region). Usually we get a short sharp bout of rain late arvo when humidity rears up badly - but even the humidity is relatively low and of course "no rain" at all...

  17. I don't have any pjs with pockets, but I do have a robe with pockets and that's my mainstay in the morning. Great job with the puzzle.

  18. You are amazingly patient. Happy week to you.

  19. Puzzle looks good. I find odd shapes hard to work with---seems not as precise as same shape, Hard to fill in shadows I find. Glad you got it done

  20. Snowing outside! Snowing! Nooooo! I want spring to arrive.


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