
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Sign of spring...

I was out in the yard day the other day and fund this hosta popping through.  It is the only one out of all my hostas that has any leaves showing.  It was the last one I looked at so was a pleasant surprise.

While I was out there, of course Bubbie was out there messing around.  I would give anything to have had a movie to show you what he done.  I was standing looking at the dogwood tree...looking at the buds.  He looked at me, then ran and jumped up on the tree and climbed on to this limb...that is about as high up as I am tall.

Oh, he had a gleam in his can actually see it in his eyes when he is planning something.  He came running out that limb, or should I say attempted to run down it...his feet slipped off and he caught himself with his front feet, could not get back up so put is back feet up and pushed off the limb while letting go with his front paws.  None the worse for wear, though I was headed to try to help him down. 

I don't know what he thought he was going to do to me, but I suspect he thought he was going to run down and grab my head/hair with his claw and scare me.

Remember when he was a young lad, and he used to get up on top of this door if it was open.  He would jump from the back of a chair, to the top of some shelves, and then up there.  I saw him the other day contemplating doing that again...he was in my chair, looking at the shelves, and then at the door.

And I have seen him look at our table and then to the top of the china cabinet.  I don't know why he wants on top of either one, but am glad he doesn't attempt it now.


I have four more of these ready to applique...yes, I am beginning to have to repeat oranges.  At least one of these is a new one...the one in the lower left.  It looks on the read side on my computer, but it is really a pure orange in reality.  I really like to have something to sew by hand at times.  I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it.  I used to always take hand sewing with me when I was accompanying anyone to the doctor where we had to wait.

I know I planned to tell something else but cannot remember it for the life of me.  So, hope you are having a good weekend.


  1. What is it with cats and high places! Bella loves the partial wall in the living room and my bathroom (it is vert creepy to have a cat watch you take a shower). She loves bookcases. I'm sure if she was allowed outside she'd be up a tree in a split second.

  2. What splendid stories about Bubbie! He must be the best, and most adventuresome companion. Your orange leaf fabrics are beautiful! Each one different, yet they all match!

  3. So good to see new life sprouting out from the ground. Bubbie seems a very active cat.

  4. How wonderful to see green popping through the ground! I love your story about Bubbie! Cats are so much fun. They always want to be on the highest spot in a room so they can be "King (or Queen) of the Hill". My two cats can jump on my china cabinet and they scare me to death when they do it. We only have one spot in our house that is too high for them but they do eye it!

  5. Hari Om
    Yes, I think spring is truly on its way now. Loved the little reminisce about Bubbie; reminded me of old Jasper. You could see him remembering how agile he was as a kitten and then realising he couldn't get where he used to!!! YAM xx

  6. I am thinking that Bubbie is thinking of all the things he used to be able to do that he can't do now... just like me and bob here.. I know you are happy to see green things popping up, meaning spring is almost on you... Bubbie is so pretty and I like hearing cat stories because I had no idea they do things like this. the only cats I was ever around were my first cousins, we lived next door. they did nothing like this... of course cats in the 50's might have been different than now

  7. I didn't notice my Hosta coming up yet, but my Day Lily are about 3 inches up. That happened over night. Terry thinks the Blue Birds are nesting too. It seems early for that but probably not. I have always heard that dogs and cats don't actually think about what they will do, I don't believe THAT at all.
    xx, Carol

  8. You captured a great photos of the cat.

    There aren’t any host as erupting through the snow here!

  9. You reminded me of a cat we once had, named Taffy. He would climb up the bean frame then turn and launch himself at you, fully expecting you would catch him. Great fun until he tried it one day with muddy paws and I was wearing my best clothes!
    Enjoy your weekend :)

  10. I do love Spring. I get so excited when green sprouts start coming through. We do have some early flowers blooming but what excites me right now is that my Bleeding Hearts are coming up. YAY.
    Oh that Bubbie is just quite a character.

  11. I'm on the other side of the world, where Autumn may have arrived...the nights are colder which actually I'm thankful for. But has the drought truly broken, not sure - one night/day of gentle rain last Wednesday, none since. Although weather folk kept placing a rain icon on the weather prediction. Usually one starts to see falling leaves, which I've not noted yet...

    I had a cat once who could access the single peaked roof garage - reason it wished to be up there was: a little hole at the peak, where sparrows went in/out presumably to a nest...Ginger would be up there peering over the edge, I don't think she ever got one... but once when she was with kittens - he fell to the concrete driveway - looked at me and ambled away - her inhouse kittens survived!

    Love the under material on the lower R photograph - of course love your ongoing project with the different leaves, looking forward to one seeing everything together in you quilt...

  12. Nice to see that first sign of spring.
    Bubbie sounds like a real character! : )

  13. Any new signs of spring growth are so very welcome.

  14. That's a brave hosta! Both our plum trees are in full bloom. They almost always get killed and, as early as it is, surely will this year too. I miss having a cat underfoot here. We have a couple of barn cats that I pick up and love on when I am out and about.

  15. I think maybe Bubbie has Spring fever. I'm glad he got himself safely out of that Dpgwood!

  16. Your hostas popping up make me smile. I am happy it was a nice one for you also. I love to see the new shoots showing. Bubbie is a bit of a rascal :) Sounds like he scared himself a bit, quite an acrobat. He sure looks adorable! Like me he is looking and remembering what he used to be able to do, but realizes those days are gone, lol! Pretty patterns you’ve chosen to share today. Always enjoy the colors. Have a great week :)

  17. Love seeing the young shoots come up. We've got our first spring flowers in New York and so happy to see them.


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