
Thursday, April 2, 2020

A blast from the past...

Sarah and Jeremy brought Lorelei yesterday evening...I forget what made Sarah mention this Dot, but it made me look it up on this blog.  I did not remember the story that went with it.  This is from you go.  I had never heard of Dot till Sarah showed me this...

 Lorelei's first Dot moment went something like this....

They were sitting at the dinner table having a meal.  Lorelei was kicking the leg of the table.  Jeremy told her to please stop.  So she paused a minute and then started kicking the other leg.  I don't recall what Jeremy started to say...or if he said anything...

Lorelei said, 'This leg is listening' as she pointed at her right leg...then she pointed at her left leg and said this one isn't.  Then she proceeded to bend down and look under the table yelling at her leg to stop it!  I think Sarah lost it and Jeremy could only shake his head!


  1. Lorelei's first DOT moment was funny. I would have burst out laughing if I were there.

  2. She is so clever! Especially at improvising.

  3. Kids can be so funny! Maybe she will grow up to be a comedian or an actress. Now that my kids and grandkids are grown, I miss all those funny remarks they used to make.

    You two take care!

  4. Kids! Remember the tv show, kids say the darnedest things?

  5. ROFL at Lorelie comment. she sounds like a real hoot.. and fun to be around her.. all I can say about Dot is that costume really looks like corn and her lines are really corny. ha ha

  6. Lol. Children figure out all the angles!

  7. Oh dear, it would have been so hard to have kept a straight face :))

  8. Oh kids! They're so cute! Haha

    Saw your blog and thought if you would like to follow each other? Follow me and I'll follow back asap. Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  9. Clever girl...always one step ahead!

  10. Oh that is so funny. Out of the mouths of babes😊

  11. Lorelei is so cute! She gave me a chuckle.


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