
Monday, May 11, 2020

Delta and the move

So, my daughter is officially moved...her other house is sold and the final paper will be signed today.  I have had these pics 2 or 3 days and just not got around to posting them.

The move was really hard on Delta...she knew something was going on and was nervous.  I think she was afraid of being left behind.

However, daughter found a TV show that kept her from being underfoot during the last bit of the was The Last Kingdom.  It has shooting and horses, two of her favorite things.  I sure hope that someday she meets a horse in real life and that I am there to see it.  Of course she would probably bark and run get her ball to try to get it to play, and scare the horse to death.

Here she is at one of her favorite places to lay...she can lay there o the landing and watch both the front and back door.  Notice Charlie on the 4th step on up.  She was a bit upset with the move too, but has settled down.  Daugher heard/felt her bound on the bed the other morn, and start purring real loud.  She sat up to see, and she was up there snuggled against Delta.  They are still the best of friends.

She also likes to go upstairs and watch out the windows from there.  There is nothing dumb about her...she realizes she can see farther from there.

And here she is surveying her new kingdom...she is very happy that a neighbor has a dog.  I forget what kind it is.  But she loves having neighbor dogs.


  1. those poor babies, it will take a while, maybe even months to adjust. i hope not. when we moved here, Max was terrified, we could not leave him home for the first 7 days, good news was, we were both off work and could stay with him and at the 8th day we could leave him... it just amazes me that delta watches TV like that.

  2. Hari OM
    Moving house is universally known to be one of the biggest stresses in ANY life... when I shifted and the J's were aged 6, it did change their dynamic a wee bit as they had to reassert territory for themselves in the much-reduced space. Looks like Delta and Charlie have much more room than we did, so I hope the settling happens real fast! YAM xx

  3. Animals always amaze me. Dogs are currently my favourite but cats are a close second.

  4. Poor babies - wouldn't you love to know what goes through their minds?
    Funny that she loves TV action. That is a hoot. Looks like they have settled in. Glad you are all getting a little closer in proximity.
    Looks like a really nice area.

  5. TOO cute! A dog who loves westerns! Looks like she has a lot of space both inside and out, as well!

  6. Hello,

    Cute photos of Delta and Charlie. I hope they both love their new home.

    Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  7. Oh, I never underestimate the intelligence of our animal people. "They" say animals can't reason like humans can, but from what I observe they do a better job of it than a lot of people.

  8. Moving is so hard on pets. I hope they settle in soon. I love that picture of her watching TV! It looks like Delta has a nice back yard to play in so hopefully that will help.

  9. awesome, and cute at the same time...settling in to new smells and "who's that over there?" kind of thing. Even if the furniture is the same, the layout and flooring won't be...

  10. Delta sounds like such a nice dog. I hope that she has many years of happiness in her new home.

  11. Glad the move went well and all are happy.
    She really looked like she was enjoying watching TV.

  12. Oh good. The move went well and the pets are adjusting. That's a blessing for sure.
    I don't think I've ever heard of a dog that had favourite TV shows but now I know.

  13. Glad everything went okay. The pets will soon settle in, I'm sure. I did chuckle about Delta watching TV though. We had a cat once who used to snuggle up beside the stereo and listen to the music. Got to love them :)

  14. Our furry friends are like us, moving to a new place will take some time to get used to. Good that they are now settling in. Both Charlie and Delta are such good friends and being together makes it easier for them.

  15. It's nice to see how interested the dog is watching TV! I hope he can get to know a horse soon?
    A kingdom for a dog, I think Delta actually found it!

  16. Hello Rose, I am a first-time visitor to your blog who stopped in Madsnapper (Sandra). Nice to “meet” you. Moves are always tough on humans and much more so for pets. We’ve been there as well, but are currently petless and live in an apt in a former textile mill.

  17. Terrific story to read and the photos. Love the name, Delta!

  18. Adorable photos of Delta. I especially liked the one with her looking at the TV and how thoughtful of your daughter to put it on for her while things are on the move.

  19. I love a good dog and cat story!💖

  20. Moving is very stressful for humans and animals … happy settling in to all.

    All the best Jan

    PS I liked the photographs

  21. There is nothing worse than moving, in my book at least. We have been at this house for 16 years, I was at my previous house for 19, and then at my apartment for 10. We say the next move will be our last.


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