
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A new pic

My daughter sent me this pic the other night of Lorelei and her little dog Rosie...Rosie must have been totally worn out.  She is seldom still.  But look how Lorelei has grown!    It just boggles the mind how quick she has grown.


My leaf quilt top is still on the design wall as you can see...the real quilt name is Orange Peel.   Just in case you wondered.

On my ironing board is 70 crumb blocks.  I had half of them already made, and had several already started.  Anyway, finished those started and added more.  Now, I either have a few too many blocks or a few short...depending on how big I make the quilt top.  I was squaring the new ones up today...which actually means  I was cutting them to size.    Anyway...I use a rotary cutter and ruler and had an oops moment.  Sorry this is so blurry...and maybe I should not even show it...

I know to close my cutter when I finish a cut, but just didn't and believe me it was the oddest way to cut myself.  I got two fingers, one didn't bleed very much but this was the second wad of paper towel and it is saturated through all the folds.  But it did quit and I have band-aids on to keep them closed.  I know...not really the best thing to use, but other than my foot, I have never had any trouble healing.  If you have not experienced a rotary cutter, they are sharp, sharp, sharp.  At least the ones we use in quilting.   You just barely touch the edge and you have a cut.

Other news, I had got the oil changed in our vehicle. And for some reason I have been leaving it parked outside a lot since then till the past few days.  Well, I am getting oil spots on the garage floor...  so I called the place that changed the oil and am running it in there in the morning.  So much fun.
I have a little tomato...have not taken a pic of it yet.  I just have two plants...I am hoping to get some to eat.

That is all I can think of right now, but feel like I am forgetting something...


  1. You posted earlier than usual today! Oh my, what an awful cut that must be! I guess you are all bandaged up now. I hope it heals quickly. Did you use Neosporin on it? I did not think this was Lorelei at first, I thought it was maybe her mom. She looks like a grown woman!! MY how fast the time goes!! I love the name of the quilt, it suits it perfectly. Love the quilt as well.

  2. I love the pic of Lorelei and Rosie; so sweet. I'm sorry about your fingers. I love your quilt top and all the blocks you have been working on. I hope things go quickly and smoothly at the oil change place tomorrow.

  3. My first thought was that lorelei has become a young woman. WOW! they do grow up so fast. be careful with that rotary cutter, you don’t need to injure yourself. i know those tools are very sharp.

  4. Comparing the recent picture of Lorelei and the one you have on the side of your blog ( probably taken years ago?) she hardly looks like the same person.
    I hope you injured fingers heal well. That looks like a lot of blood.

  5. Oh no! Be careful with that rotary cutter! Yes, they are super sharp. I have one that automatically closes when I'm not using it. I love the orange peel quilt! You have work on that for so long and it is beautiful. I love the color choices you made for it. Lorelei looks like a young woman in that picture, a beautiful young woman! I always say our kids grow fast but our grandchildren grow twice as fast as our kids! My two grands are now 24 and 18.

  6. Children grow up so fast - even more so when you haven't seen them for a while! Your fingers sound painful - I hope they heal quickly.

  7. Your quilt is really is your granddaughter!! And Rosie is so so sweet. But that, musta hurt like the Dickens.

  8. When your blog opened and I saw a Lorelei sitting there with that Precious Pup in her lap I could not believe how grown up she looks how in the world did she grow up so fast at? When I first saw the photo of the paper towel I thought it was a picture of some kind of flower and then I looked at it closely and could tell what it is. I had some blood yesterday but not nearly that much man was from the dog being so ecstatic that we came home after being gone for an hour he jumped up and clawed my arm. Glad to see you're almost done with your quilt and sorry you cut your hand. Oh no on the oil leak I bet they left the oil filter loose. Sorry for the aggravation of having to go back

  9. Hello,

    Lorelei has grown up, a lovely young lady. Rosie is a cute pup! The Orange Peel quilt looks beautiful. That is a lot of blood, I hope you heal quickly. I use Neosporin and cover the cut, it seems to feel better quickly. Take care! Have a great day!

  10. I thought that picture of Lorelei was her Mommy when I saw it. My goodness where did the little girl go?
    OUCH - I hate cutting my fingers. You use them all the time and they often just keep re-opening. Heal quickly and BE CAREFUL!

  11. I simply can't believe how quick Lorelei grew up either. You know I fell in love with that sweet child the first time I read your blog. But it's the same way with my grandchildren...seems like yesterday that they were spending nights with us, saying funny things and making us the youngest one is 22 years old. Sad isn't it, how time flies. That's a lot of blood. Made me hurt to see it. Your quilt squares are so pretty.

  12. Lorelei has grown so much and if you had not mentioned, I wouldn't be able to recognize her. Oh dear, from the amount of blood lost, it looked like a very bad cut. I wouldn't dare use such sharp cutter because I am quite a clumsy person. You make beautiful quilts.

  13. Such a nuisance to have to bring the car back gain!

    I’ve cut mySelf similarly. Not nice at all! So painful too!

  14. Hard to believe that is Lorelei. She sure has grown up!!
    Sounds like a nasty cut. Hope it heals quickly.

  15. well that is some post!

    Young lady, a pooped dog; fabulous patchwork squares you are making; followed by "yes I know the rotary cutter/sharpness" and easy to forget to press in the little clip button; followed by home tool/car issues...

    it looks to me like a few days of doing very little is required...

  16. Such a darling photo of Lorelei and Rosie. I can see how much Lorelei has grown, a young lady. I say the same thing when I look at our son who turns 41 this year. My goodness, where does that time go? As you say, mind boggling! Oh no! Just read about your poor fingers. Do hope they heal quickly. I also hope your oil leak is an easy fix. We haven’t had our car out of the garage in quite a while now, we really should give it a whirl. Touch wood, nothing amiss there. I look forward to the picture of your tomato. I had to buy ours and I am going to make salsa for the first time tomorrow. Thank you for another lovely post, I always enjoy reading about your day. Stay safe, and away from that rotary cutter, speedy healing!

  17. Your tomatoes will be very good.
    Have a nice weekend.

  18. What happened to 'our' baby. My goodness she is looking so grown up. Little dog looks so sweet


  19. Totally understand about the rotary cutter, they are very sharp indeed. Oh my goodness she is getting so big and older looking, they definitely don't stay small for long.
    P.S. I have a new blog and plan on not posting in the old one, come and stop by.

  20. So nice to see the photograph of Lorelei and Rosie.
    Sorry to read about your fingers, hope they are healing well.

    All the best Jan

  21. Be careful with that cutter! They are razor sharp. That is a lot of blood.


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