
Monday, June 29, 2020

What's for supper?

We had burgers off the easy end to a tiring day.  And they were delicious.  I only wish I had had a tomato from the garden to eat with it.  I had a slice of one from the store on the burger, but that is not the same as big thick slices on the side.  If my tomatoes don't have some good tomatoes this year, I might cry.  Or at the least I will feel like crying.

It has been a tiring day.  If I told you all the details, you would not even finish reading this.  I have spent almost every spare moment on the phone.    It just seemed like I could not get anything done.  A dozen phone calls to take care of one thing.  Then, had to get on line to register Roger for something else.  This after a trip to Terre Haute for his allergy shot.  And it is back there tomorrow for the scan I did the pre-register for.

All of this is a result of Roger saying his ear hurt.  Remember he actually had an ear infection a few months ago.  I had to take him to a different dr. where we go this past Saturday, and this guy is trying some new things to help control his chronic cough.  (When he got up Saturday morn he said his ear did not hurt, but I was afraid not to take him.)


We went to a greenhouse last week and I saw this flower...Mandevilla Sanderi..I know the first part of the name is right.  Plant Snap added the second part.  There was a bright, bright red one, too.  I would have loved either one if I thought I could keep it growing.

I went for a red hibiscus and I wanted another tomato plant.  I found the red hibiscus if it will just survive the planting.  It ought to feel better in the ground, I would think, than confined to a pot.  It was a greenhouse owned by some Amish people.  They had very few tomato plants left and those came in a container that held 4 plants.  I got four called Mountain Fresh...the lady said she used them for canning and eating and we shall see if they produce some good tomatoes.


I had more to tell but my mind just went blank so will hush.  Have a good week everyone!


  1. I hope that the rest of your week is more relaxing. I am hoping for some good tomatoes, too. The hot weather should help. I have a Mandevilla in front of my house! it is growing on a trellis, and is going crazy! Easy to grow.

  2. So sorry about your hectic and frustrating day. Praying for yours and Roger's trip tomorrow. That is a gorgeous plant you pictured. I hope the hibiscus and new tomatoes do very well for you.

  3. Some days are like that. Hope you get a good rest tonight and have a better day tomorrow.

  4. I'm sorry to hear you had such a tiring and difficult day. Some phone calls we have to make can totally stress you out. I hope after tomorrow your week calms down.

  5. You sure had a hectic day. Hopefully the rest of the week won't be as bad. Going to the greenhouse must have been a bright spot though. That Mandevilla is stunning. I don't think they grow around here. Maybe as a house plant.
    I hope your new tomato plants thrive and give you loads of tomatoes!

  6. Please let us know the results of the scan whenever you get them. The Mandevilla is beautiful, and I bet your hibiscus is just as pretty, maybe even bigger. Those burgers look delicious!! And now I am real hungry, but will NOT eat at bedtime!

  7. Every day I hope that the next day will be free from frustration but it rarely is. With Tom being ill I have to make frequent phone calls and most seem to be such a trial but we soldier on and make the most of what we have. Things can always be worse can't they?

  8. It's getting harder and harder for me to do a post all at one time because I'll know what I'm going to say and then my mind goes blank and it doesn't come back and I just leave it like it is and then I come back later and sometimes the Mind comes back and sometimes it doesn't! I have not had a decent tasting tomato in probably 10 or 15 years the ones in the store not fit to eat and even the ones that I go to a market and get are still not any good and we tried growing them and they just don't grow and the one that did grow the tomatoes didn't taste any better than what in the store. So I just quit putting tomatoes on my hamburgers and now that I've seen that Grill we're going to have to grill some burgers we bought a new grill last week

  9. I hope Roger is feeling better. That is a beautiful flower. I need to get more color in my yard.

  10. Hectic days drain our energy and leave us tired. Hope Roger is now well and cough healed. Beautiful flower. The pink is so sweet. I hope your tomato plants bear lots of tomatoes.

  11. Hello,

    The days go by do quickly when we are busy. The burger looks yummy! I hope your Roger feels better and the doctor visit goes well. I love hibiscus, the blooms are so pretty. Home grown tomatoes are the best. Take care, Enjoy your day!

  12. Hi, I understand about all of the time it takes these days to get doctor stuff scheduled, etc... NOT FUN!!!! As I get older, I find that I run out of time (even for normal things) than I used to... Guess that means I am REALLY slowing down....

    Those burgers look good... I love Summer tomatoes too --and we will go to the Farmers Market and buy ours from Grainger County, TN.... SO SO SO SO GOOD..... (We pay through the nose, but they are worth it!!!)

    You'll love your Hibiscus... Our neighbor above us has a big one with white blooms. I enjoy seeing it through the kitchen window....

    Praying that Roger feels better now/soon...


  13. Hope you have a nice relaxing evening after such a hectic day.
    The flower is beautiful. Love pink.
    We didn't plant any tomatoes this year. BUT our neighbor plants plenty and hope like last year he brings some to us!!

  14. I hope the tomatoes have a jillion shiny red fruit for you. I started 15 plants from seed and took to put into pots and put them on the patio by the back door. I love to go out and pick some and just eat them. I planted grape toms. I never did before so I hope they work out. Bob planted the rest in the garden and they are doing better than mine in the pots.
    I feel the same way about tomatoes and hamburgers---fresh right out of the yard are the best. Oh YUM!

  15. Oh I wanted to say I love the Mandevilla but doesn't do well here--not hot enough. When I worked at one greenhouse there was one growing inside the big greenhouse and it just wove it's way along the ceiling and blooms so beautifully

  16. A hanburger is one of my favorite meals, and I am with you on the tomatoes. I just might cry too. I'm really looking forward to a big juicy home grown tomato. So fat the plants are looking good, but you never know.

  17. Days like that can be hard to cope with sometimes. I hope things are going a bit better now. Sending you hugz :) xx

  18. I had one of those Mandeville in Tucson...they vine profusely, but I'm not sure they'd survive a heavy freeze. I'd prefer what you bought...the hibiscus!!

  19. Hi Rose, your burgers look so good, and especially with home grown tomatoes – yum! Good luck with your new buys. Sounds like a very tiring time for you. Being on the phone a lot for appointments and other business can be very draining. Such a beautiful flower to finish up your post. I wish you a good week :)

  20. Trying to accomplish anything by phone these days is so frustrating. Between the technology and the Effects of Covid, talking to a human is near impossible.

    That bloom is spectacular.

    I hope you have a more restful day today.

  21. I always try to have garden ripe tomatoes by the Fourth. No, our burgers just wouldn't be the same without them. You have some amazingly beautiful flowers so I am sure your new one will do just fine. It is a beauty!

  22. burgers look great, and the best after a long day ... I like home grown vegetables as well, but haven't grown toms for years. Just not suitable to do here in this yard...

  23. Oh yummy, please don't eat, I'll be right there!
    The bloom is perfect, just great!

  24. I have Mountain Fresh tomatoes growing in my garden. I bought them from my local Amish people. It is one of the popular ones I see them selling. They are red and very round which seems to be good for canning.
    Oh, and they taste good too.
    Jeannie @GetMeToThe Country


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