
Friday, August 7, 2020

Just bits...

 I don't know where to begin...
The highlight for me was we went to this little park north of Danville, Illinois day before yesterday.  It is where I get lotus pics,
as well as turtle pics.
It is also usually where I get photos of Great Blue Herons and Swans, as well as egrets.  However everything was so grown up, it was to tall to see any herons or egrets, and the swans were no where to be seen.  The only bird I saw was one solitary Red-winged Blackbird.  So no bird pics this time.
The main part of the place is like the above...still those lotus are way taller than they appear in the pic.
Then there is this small area of this grass stuff....the right side has always been sort of like this but usually not the left side. You could not see through it at all.  I am not sure what this grass is but it is very invasive. 
I have been busy all week but no pics.  I did do some weeding and things look better but I need to do more.  I did the usual vacuuming/cleaning  and things of today.  We had leftover pizza  for our evening meal.
The highlight was I finally got back to my sewing machine for a while this afternoon.  It was to work on daughter's curtains, but that is fine.  It just felt good to be sewing.
I just finished The North Runner by R. D. Lawrence.  I could not believe it when I saw it was in kindle form.  In less that 5 seconds it was on my kindle.  It is one of my all time favorite books.  I have the paperback version I got before we had children;  I have read it several times.  It is one of those books you hate to see end.


  1. I have never seen so many Lotus in one place!

  2. The turtle blends in beautifully. Took me a second or two to recognize him in the photo!

  3. I had to google lotus because I thought they might be waterlilies. Now I know better. I'm pretty sure lotus don't grow around here though.

    The North Runner is another book I have not heard of and need to look for.

  4. Sounds like a fascinating place to visit, but that grass doesn't look very friendly. The turtle is so well camouflaged that I had to look twice to see it :)

  5. Hello,

    I love the lotus flowers. The turtle is cute too. Beautiful view of all the lotus flowers. The boardwalk looks like it is being taken over by that grass. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  6. The lotus flowers are neat.
    Glad you had a good week. Weeding is never done - been doing it constantly.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. With the grass that high it resembles a jungle. I imagine it hot and humid. Love that turtle photo.

  8. Lotus are amazing. I have some old lotus photos and they don't even look real. Your photos are all so gorgeous. I'm glad you were able to do some sewing and get your book finished up. Have a great weekend :)

  9. We used to eat the tender raw lotus seeds from the green seed pods. That is a big lotus pond. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I don't know if I have ever seen a lotus blossom. And look at all of those.

    Bet that invasive grass, is not native to where ever you live. That is what can happen, when non native plants are introduced, and take over. Sad.

    Hooray for some sewing. I haven't done any, in soooo long.

    So happy that you found a favorite book, in Ebooks!

    "Beside a babbling brook" blog
    'Miss BB'🐝🐝

  11. Glad you found your favorite book and now that you said that I need to check and see if I can find my favorite book I had kept it in paperback for many many years and read it at least four or five times I had three of them and I gave them away because I can't read paperbacks anymore. It's not very often that I read books more than once cuz he's three I had read several times now I have to do is remember the names of them haha. I think those Lotus are the biggest I've ever seen and the most in one place also and the flower is just gorgeous. I love grasses but I think that grass is a bit much and you can't see anything and I would not be too happy walking down between it

  12. I love those lotus flowers. I was at a nearby marsh the other day and it was so overgrown, I could hardly see anything.

  13. Beautiful pics, Rose. Lots and lots of Lotus

  14. goodness everything at the park/lake looks like it's got out of hand...that "grass stalks" I was going to say "stems" but they look more sinister stalks - way out of control.

    love though seeing what looks like amazing amount of lotus if they were a field of edibles waiting to picked, like corn

  15. You sound like me. I finally got a post done today, and I didn't know where to begin either. :) Your pictures are so pretty. I love the Lotus plants. That sure is a pretty place.

  16. Very different pictures from the usual . I liked it

  17. I do like the lotus flowers, and the turtle blends in well.

    All the best Jan

  18. Great photos, I had to look twice to see the turtle, he blended in pretty good. I’ll have to check out that book, I loved the last book you recommended.

  19. Awesome pictures!


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