
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Who can resist a face like this...


Most days I go sit in the swing on the porch to read, if just for a few minutes. An most days Bubbie comes and sits beside me. Some days he just wants to be near me with me reaching down to pet him.

Other days he is a bit more into he is on the little table beside the swing.  Reaching to grab whatever is near...he is 13 yrs old and will still occasionally try to hide and jump out and scare me when I am walking in from the garage.  Not to mention that he almost always escorts us from the garage to the he can protect us if there is danger.

And while I am at it, have had this for a few days...we have a new name for Otto...The Old Man.  He cannot hear...Sarah has to send Rosie to get him to come in.  He will just stand out in the yard  sometimes.  Does not hear Sarah she tells Rosie to go get him and she will go poke at him and/or get right in his face and yip and it seems to wake him up to the fact he needs to come in.

He is still easy going...loving.  Absolutely one of the best dogs ever.  We always look back with laughter on some of his stunts....The trying to hitch a ride with the UPS guy one time...he got in and Sarah had to literally drag him out, another he was dragging Sarah on the school bus to be with the kids...and one time he totally loved going to Show & Tell for Lorelei.  

Jeremy also bought a Corvette one time...something was wrong with it but I forget what.  He knew it when he bought it...he bought it to fix and sell.  We were there one day and Jeremy was getting ready to take it for a test drive....Sarah told me "Watch Otto when Jeremy gets in the car!"  Oh, his tail could not have wagged any more and his ears perked up.  There was just something about that car he liked. 

Yesterday we were up close to the swamp area so we had to go by there. 

Can you believe this much color...and there was quite a bit more. 

I had something else to chat about but I swear I have gotten side-tracked and cannot remember what it was.   So.... 

Have to share this little video.


  1. Bubbie is gorgeous, what a treasure he is!! Whose dog is Otto, yours? He does look old enough to lose his hearing, but it is sad.

  2. Aaahhh, sweet fur babies. I don't think cats ever act their age and it is sad when dogs do. Growing up we had a dog that loved to ride in cars, front seat, back seat, trunk, truck bed he didn't care. We had to pull him out of more delivery trucks than I can count. He disappeared one time for almost two weeks - we think he got in someones car and when they realized he was there dumped him out - somehow he ended up home.

  3. Hello,

    Both Otto and Bubbie are sweeties. Cute furbaby photos. We are seeing leaves changing colors too. Have a happy day!

  4. I love sweet Bubbie and Otto! I have a deaf little old man too. The colors in the leaves are beautiful. We don't get to see things like that here in Florida. Hope you have a great day :)

  5. Its fun to play with our pets but it is sad to see them grow old or sick. Cute toddler video.

  6. Bubbie is so cute and seems to be such a happy kitty. Those fall leaves are beautiful but it is early to be changing!

  7. Otto wanted to go for a drive! Who doesn’t love a corvette.

    You have beautiful animals to brighten any day!

  8. That video has me smiling out loud she knows what's coming she knows went to Bumper head is absolutely adorable. I wish I could kiss that beautiful face both of them both cat and dog. Bobby has such beautiful eyes. We went through the death Thing 2 the deaf and I almost blind and it is always so sad. Beautiful leaves

  9. Bubby is beautiful...

    And so is The Old Man...

    they are lucky to have a happy, caring home, to age in.

    Good for color in the swamp! Autumn is coming! ~smile~

    'Miss BB'🐝🐝
    "Beside a babbling brook" blog

  10. It is hard to watch our pets get older.
    I can understand Otto liking the Corvette. :) I sure miss mine at times!

  11. I watching a uTube video of a guy who is a RVer and his dog never much does anything...anyway said dude said earlier they were going to visit with his daughter - as he drove in the vehicle he turned the camera on his dog - talk about animation even before daughter came into view - trying to release the door handle which of course wasn't possible and then when out of the vehicle, completely going ape over her...

    I don't own any animals now, but yes the "stunt memories" are all too clear. I think the worse in some way, especially for the original buyer was the day Fluffy bought home a wrapped but now half chewed piece of steak - probably had been put out to defrost! Never found who "lost their dinner"

  12. Bubbie is the sweetest looking cat. He is so pretty. I love the big dog too. He looks like a sweetie. That video is the cutest thing I've seen lately. I've got to send it to my daughters.

  13. Those leaves in Autumn colours are beautiful but really early. I'm looking forward to the cooler days of Fall. So far I haven't noticed any leaves changing but I'll be keeping my eyes open.

  14. I love dogs and Otto is blessed to live and grow old in your family. We once had a dog who lost his hearing. We taught him sign language. We made a big letter "O" with our fingers when asking if he wanted to go outside. He learned the different signs. I could clap my hands and he would hear that. My brother had a cat who lost her hearing and he would stomp the floor when he entered a room. She felt the vibrations and would come running.

  15. Yes, cats do have such beautiful faces. Hard to resist. I love dogs too... I have one of each... My cat is always by my side. My dog is not a warm fuzzy but she’s very sweet.It’s so hard to watch them get older. Enjoy your weekend

  16. How lovely to sit on the porch and be joined by this pretty kitty. Bubbie is a great companion. The Old Man Otto is a sweet looking dog with lots of personality and good tales, and that baby is beyond adorable! Thanks for the smiles Rose :)

  17. Bobbie and Old Man are precious. I'm glad that they enrich your life. Have a beautiful day.

  18. Bubbie is so pretty and cute I love her!
    The video is great!

  19. I know I left a comment here, but you have not had time to vet it yet.

    Anyway, I came back to say thank you for your comment, concerning the artwork I show today. ~smile~ You say it's very different from what you see, and refreshing. Thank you!

    I find all sorts of art work and photos, to put in my blog posts! I love searching for them. It's part of the Joy I get,from blogging.

    And it's so lovely, when someone says, they enjoy them.

    So again, thank you!

    Let's enjoy the "Fruits of Late Summer"


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