
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

More cuteness...

 I received this one this evening...isn't he adorable.  He has been barking at the neighbor mowing his yard and using his leaf blower.  


Yesterday I bit the bullet and and got this pin basted.  I did it on my dining room table.  I put the leaf in which makes it around 80 inches long.  And it is 42 inches wide.  There was about 12-14 inches of quilt top hanging over the far end, and on either side it came down to the floor.  The actual pin basting is easy on the table but getting everything spread out by myself is a real chore.  To try to get them centered on top of each other is not an easy task.  Anyway, it is pin basted, now I have to make a decision on what thread to use, and what design to quilt.  It will probably be something very simple.


Does anyone else use the wool dryer balls?  I think it was on someone's blog that I read that used them.  So I got some.  And I do like them.  My clothes still have some static, but sure not as much as before.  Plus sometimes I am almost positive they dry quicker.  Anyway, I had a load of clothes in the dryer and had used the whole set of six balls.  The dark ones that I use for jeans/Roger's t-shirts and jogging pants...well, I hung everything up and only had four of the dryer balls.  I looked in the dryer twice...thinking I had just not looked good.  

Nope, not there.  I looked on the floor, thinking I had dropped them and not known it.  No, not there either.  So I checked the jogging pants I had folded.  Not in them.  I was beginning to think I was crazy.  I started feeling of the clothes I had hung up,  There was a heavy sweatshirt, and one was down in each sleeve!

I will leave you with a quick little video.  It is not good quality, but it still makes me laugh.  


  1. He is SO cute and I absolutely love your beautiful piece! I wish I had that kind of talent. The video was too funny, thanks for sharing :)

  2. So cute! I sometimes lose a sock or some other smaller item of clothes in the corners of my fitted sheet.

  3. Lol. The dog and fence is priceless. That is quite the quilt. So much work. Beautiful though and worth it.

  4. That dog had no trouble at all jumping over the fence. He was like a deer! Your quilt is beautiful!

  5. That's quite a big quilt and so pretty too!

  6. It looks like that sweet puppy might be teething! I love your quilt and how some of the blocks are house blocks! I keep saying I'm going to make a house block quilt but that will have to join the list of all the other quilts I want to make but don't!

    Thanks for telling us about those dryer balls. I've been wondering about them too. Sure could save money and be better for the environment as well.

    1. I was just watching Missouri Star video last night...the one she made all the little houses from her scraps of other quilts. I am like you and keep thinking about making one. As if I need another project!

  7. LOL with the dog jumping over the fence! I hadn't heard of wool dryer balls; I'm going to have to look into them.


  8. Sweet photo of the new puppy. Funny about the dryer balls. I have used them before and I think the clothes dry faster too. Your quilt is a work of art. I just love it.

  9. I love your new pup, and the pup jumping over the fence would be Kaitlin and Torben's Zoe. Thanks for the laugh.

  10. The puppy is too cute! I hate pinning quilts. When I have to I go into production mode and do as many as I can until I run out of pins (never run out of quilts). Can't wait to see how you quilt your crumb quilt. To me what to quilt is the hardest part of the whole process.

  11. Hello,

    The pup is so cute, adorable photo! I loved the video of the dog jumping. Your quilt looks beautiful. Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. Lol on video! Wow, Rose, you should be so proud of your beautiful handi-work! Sensational. Copper (his name, right?) is adorable!

    I swear I think our dryer eats socks! And I wonder, does the washer enjoy turning clothes inside out?

  13. Talk about a heart melting face! I sure wish I could kiss him right on that sweet nose. So glad you're showing us him as he grows. Looking at dog pictures makes me feel happy. And that video I almost fell out of the chair at the last of it it just kills me. I don't think I could ever get that 12 pin base and even if you had already done all the other work and all I had to do was pin based it. Tell your daughter to keep pictures of copper and Delta coming. I'm up to about 200 pictures of Beau

  14. Cute puppy couldn't stand the noise the neighbour is making. Beautiful quilt.

  15. He sure is a cute one :) I do use the wool dryer balls. I use about 4-6 depends on the load and I think the clothes do dry faster, tho I am always looking for them too.

  16. He looks rotten like all puppies do, but he is so adorable. I would love to play with him. That video! It is so funny and I can just imagine the man felt. Your quilt will be so pretty. I know you're glad to have it pinned together.

  17. That is one cute dog! I love that gangly puppy stage.
    My friend puts a few drops of lavender oil in her dryer balls before putting them in the dryer.

  18. I LOVE those wonky blocks!! No, I never tried the dryer balls. I like the smell the fabric softener adds and it cuts the suds in the rinse cycle too. The pup looks like he'll be a great dog. I just love me a big dog!!
    xx, Carol

  19. Definitely more cuteness, that is a great photograph.

    All the best Jan

  20. objects usually sox in the fitted sheet corners...pulling stuff out of the washer, I don't notice that - until I'm out at the clothesline (no dryer here) and out pops a sock!

    But I can understand the mysterious disappearance of the dryer balls...washing machines do the funniest of things!

    Love the new quilt coming together...

  21. Copper is a real cutie. I like his black eye liner. I know nothing about quilting but yours are sure nice so I know you do a good job.
    Dogs just love to get out of fences or any type of containment. Bingo could always jump over the deck railing but Jack doesn't.
    Take care

  22. Oh I forgot to tell you that I like the dryer balls. I use 6 also and have used them for such a long time and they still work great.

  23. So cute and beautiful quilt! Wow, on the dog jumping the fence. Our dog years ago used to do that too but she used to hitch her front paws on the top of the fence, and hitch her back paws on a support beam half way up, and over she went. Just a short visit to see the dog next door :)

  24. I have heard about the wool balls and wondered if they worked. It sounded too simple. I might get some now.


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