
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The kindness of strangers...


I have barely touched these the past couple of days.  And two of these were made months ago.  I have one or two more made...this photo was taken before they were finished.  I am not for sure how I am going to stitch them together....there are so many ways that they will fit. 


Now to the we are laughing about.  It was time to put the new license plates on our vehicle.  We get an actual physical plate about every 4 yrs I think.  The other years, we get stickers that we place in the corner of the plate.....with the year on it.  I have just about always taken care of this.  I went out to do it Sunday afternoon, and could not unscrew the the screws!  

I actually got a groin injury...or I suppose that is what it was/is.  It has almost quit hurting.  The first thing I rounded off a screw.  I tried the other screw...leaning into it will all my weight and pushing...with my feet braced.  That is when I felt the pain... I could not turn the screw one little bit.  So I got WD-40 and sprayed them and decided to let them set and hopefully soak loose,  and then see if Roger would have any more strength. 

When he came up from the basement, I told him I needed his help.  This is what we ended up doing...he pushed in with all his might, and I used channel locks on the screw driver to turn it.  We got the one good screw off that way.  I went and got the Vise-grips and he got hold of the other screw it and got the vise-grips locked on and was able to get it that way.  But we have both laughed about it taking two adults to change the license plates.    I was thinking that I surely was not going to have to wait and have Jeremy do it.  


The other thing is not so funny.  I ran to Walmart yesterday to pick up a few things, and came out and had locked my keys in the the ignition no less.  Normally, I cannot lock the door with the keys in the ignition, unless I am sitting in the seat.   I tried to call have him go get our neighbor to bring him with his key.  Well, since his stroke, he cannot answer the phone...too many buttons there.  He may get it right once in a dozen times.

I tried to call our neighbor, but no answer.  Turns out I had one number wrong.  But he would have had a hard time getting Roger's attention to even get in and tell him what I needed.  So, I did not know who to call over more ways than one.  A couple about our age was sitting waiting in the car beside me, so I motioned for her to roll down her window and told them I needed advice...and asked did they have anyone they would recommend to call to get my door open.

There was a car dealership near us, so she ran and asked them...they called a wrecker service and they came right out and opened it.  But the lady and her husband would not leave until they were sure I was being helped.   And tried to get me to wait in the car with them. This just goes to prove there are a lot of decent people still around.


I am going to leave you with this little short video...Don't Cry!


  1. Locking the keys in the car gives a very helpless feeling. Jake and I did it once and I have done it once after he was gone. Not a good feeling. I would have liked to watch you and Roger change that license plate.

  2. I hate that feeling when you realize you locked your keys in the car! Some car insurances will cover that for you. You can also call a locksmith. It is nice to know there are good people out there. I'm glad you found some.

  3. I love the Great Dane Puppy and little puppy video! Danes are so gentle, gentle giants. I would never have thought to ask another couple about the car, you did really good!

  4. Locking keys in the car is so scary and frustrating, so it was good to hear that someone was able to help you.
    I'm glad you got your license plate changed as well, and that you can have a chuckle over it now. Hope your groin injury has healed up - it seems as we grow older things get harder and harder to do, and it gets easier and easier to hurt ourselves.
    Take care, Rose, Mxx

  5. So glad there is this couple being there, able to help you and also to accompany you until you had your car key out of the car. Love the video of the puppy dog growing up to be a fun, friendly dog.

  6. A heartwarming post, both because of the couple and the video. Thank you!

  7. Hello,

    Your quilt block is so pretty. I am glad someone was there to help you with your keys. I did that one time, I picked stuff out of my trunk and left them there. Take care, have a happy day!

  8. The story about a man a woman and two screws it is absolutely hilarious. The keys of course is not so hilarious so glad that those people were there and ready to help. It would be kind of embarrassing having to ask somebody to help you change out a license plate although I don't think I could do it by myself. That puppy is so absolutely adorable the big puppy and a little puppy

  9. Sounds like a day in my life lately lol. So glad you found someone to help you. What a beautiful happy ending on the video too!

  10. I had to laugh about changing the license plate - it seems very simple tasks turn into major projects for me too!!!

    Start keeping 'just' a key with you. I keep an extra one on me all the time and have an extra in the house as well. Glad you found someone nice to help out.

  11. I was glad to read people helped. You get the car open. There are good people out there. Thankfully they come our way when we need them.

  12. I'm glad things worked out for you with your keys. I am very happy to hear that there still is kindness in people.

  13. what an eventful week - both good and not so good - but sad that Roger can no longer truly assist you when things go belly up. I guess though there are still good plus sides to your life and his - just not those times.

    time to get back to your crafty textiles - they make everything all good again...

  14. I'm sure I would feel so helpless if I locked mt keys in my car. Fortunately you were helped by such kind and thoughtful people.

  15. Wow that's a lot of work for a license plate! Funny story!
    So nice that you came across some caring people. It always restores my faith in humankind.

  16. In olden times a wire coat hanger would work to unlock car doors...not any more. It was good reading you had help from such kind people. That video is priceless. In regards to changing's like we say -a 30 minute job & invariably turns into a day's work!-

    your quilt pieces are very nice.

  17. I remember locking our keys in the car on more than one occasion, and I still remember the horrible feeling. A sweet couple helped you out, restores our faith in people doesn't it? There are plenty of good people out there for sure. Hope your pain has gone away by now. That was quite a week you had. Hope the next one is smooth sailing :)

  18. Almost forgot, that sure was a sweet video. Thank you for sharing it.

  19. That is so funny with the two of you trying to get the screws out. Here the license plates transfer stay with you and are even transferred to a different car. We get those stickers every two years.

    Sure nice to hear about some helpful strangers. There are more of them out there than we realize!

  20. Oh my, it's not good to lock your keys in the car! So pleased you got the help you needed.

    That video was lovely to watch, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  21. I would suggest leaving the license plate on the car until you get pulled over then asking the police officer to unscrew it for you and put on the new one. It happened to me once (when I was young and single). I had gotten the new sticker in the mail and it was sitting on the seat beside me still in the envelope. I got pulled over and showed it to the officer and said it was on my to-do list. He offered to put it on the license plate for me and I let him. There are many kind people left out in the world.
    Jeannie@GetMeToTheCou ntry

  22. Just popping in to say Happy Birthday!!!
    ( I hope I got that right).


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