
Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Copper update...

 Just a few pics from our daughter...just have to share some of the cute views...

I call the one above All Tuckered Out...and though it has my name on it, it was taken by my daughter.  Both Copper and Delta had had a hard day of play.

Notice in the photos above and below...the ears!   He does not keep them up all the time, but at least they do stand up.

From being left in a box beside a highway, he has come a long way.

Poor Delta!  But oh, don't you love it.  Delta is so patient.  I don't know if she has ever gotten short tempered with him.  


I have a couple videos to share.  I cannot decide on just one so  since both are short, will share both.  Both will either make you laugh out loud or at the least smile.  First up is Jeanne

And now, watch this one, be sure and watch past the first few seconds.  The real fun begins around the 20 second mark:


  1. she is hilarious and this would be bob. and a lot of other men wonder what percent thought they said golfers, bet he was not the only one. that little girls has the beat for sure and that is what that kind of music does to me. none of the others were "feeling" it

  2. totally forgot to mention Delta and Copper, OMW they melted my heart laying togehter and wow has Copper grown, she is about to pass Delta in size

  3. Those ears! He is so adorable! Great videos but I especially loved the one with the little girl, definitely had me cracking up!

  4. Makes me happy that Copper has such a good home. Delta does seem patient, these are great photos, I especially giggled at the little girl dancing, she is hilarious.

  5. The pup sure has grown. They look like wonderful friends.

  6. Love those ears! We always love Jeanne Robertson, and this one is as funny as she always is. Phil & I watched it together.

  7. I love both Copper and Delta! They are so cute, the ears are adorable.

    Take care, happy weekend!

  8. Good afternoon. Thank you for visiting and caring. Congratulations on the photos, they are beautiful and wonderful. I am already your follower with pleasure.
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  9. It blows me away how big Copper has gotten. And Delta is so sweet. I love Jeanne Robertson and hadn't seen that one before. Thank you!

  10. I think our furry friends are as important to us as our not so furry ones. One of the things I enjoy most is when they try to understand what we are saying but don't recognize any of the words.

  11. Fun photos of the dogs. Those ears are so funny!

  12. Copper's ears are adorable. He looks like he's just a ball of energy. Talking of energy... that little girl certainly was full of it.

  13. That little girl was so cute! I wish I had her moves :) Cooper looks so much at home with Delta :)


  14. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh...those ears. Precious. Sincerely spoken, just precious.

  15. Love those photos of the two dogs. What a great buddy the older dog is!

    The videos are priceless. The child next to the little performer caught my eye too. Such a shy little sweetie.

  16. Those dogs melt my heart! They are soooo adorable. The videos were so funny...thanks for brightening my day!πŸ’–

  17. Cute photos of Copper and Delta. They are both knocked out flat after a hard day of play. The 2nd video makes me laugh so much. Thank you for a very entertaining post.

  18. What a wonderful post - such wonderful things to be seen and hear about - I think there are some priceless things on the net with kids doing "their own thing" and then I seem to remember a Dad who helped his daughter and the rest of her dance group...

  19. Lovely to see the dogs and many thanks for sharing the videos, I especially liked the one with the little girl.

    All the best Jan

  20. Love the dogs and those ears---my goodness.
    The cutie dancing or feeling the music is 'oh my gosh' cute

  21. Thank You for being
    my Dear Blogging Friend!!!
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  22. Those ears are the best! Makes him look so alert! They are very cute dogs.
    The videos made me smile. Thanks!

  23. I love these pretty dogs in all their poses. Thanks for sharing them Rose, such great smile bringers, as were the videos :)

  24. The funniest part of the little girl dancing was her mother laughing as she was recording. She was trying so hard to be quiet but was really losing it.
    I needed a laugh. Thanks.


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