
Friday, November 6, 2020


I will try to catch up on visits in the next day or two...just did not do many today.

 I had my Mohs surgery more cancer on the first time they did it!  I am so very thankful and Roger is beyond relieved.  My appt was at daughter came and took me.  I hated for anyone to have to go and sit and wait.  And wait we did.  I got there early and got in right away...and was back out in the waiting room at 10:28.  It was around 2:00 or a few minutes past before they called my name to come back...she told me on the way that it was cancer free.  So they had to numb me again and stitch me up.  

Anyway, wanted to share the good news... and if I was capable, I felt like doing what the guys are doing in this video:


  1. Prayers answered! I am so thankful to hear this good news Rose. Now you should just rest up and relax for awhile - you've earned it. I love the video!

  2. Hurrah, I am so happy! Phil had Mohs on his face.

  3. The long wait was worth the great news!

  4. Sorry you had that long wait but glad for the good news!


  5. That is wonderful news!! So glad for the good outcome.
    Cute little video.

  6. So very thankful. Try to relax today and heal quickly.

  7. So happy for you Rose :) Wishing you speedy healing. Thanks for the video.

  8. I am glad to hear the good news. Happy days to you.

  9. Hari OM
    Ooh, I obviously missed some posts here - but am glad to have had to the time to read the one with the GOOD NEWS!!! Praise be.

    Loved the dance - though the kid is rather older than a toddler (2-3 yrs) - perhaps about 7, maybe 8. Though that doesn't matter - what does is his style!!! YAM xx

  10. Great news, I am happy for you! I wish you a speedy recovery!
    Happy weekend to you!

  11. Yay for cancer free, so glad that stress is gone... that is a long time to wait. when bob had his mohs this year, he only waited for 30 minutes before they came and took the 2nd one, then another 30 and cancer free, total time there was under 2 hours. where on your face was it. mine was beside my ear in the hair line, which meant it did not show very much afterwards. i saw one lady with it on her nose. so happy the appt is behind you... that man and boy are both super talented... love the part where they lean down and touch the floor. wish i could do that too

  12. Great news! Thank you for sharing with us. We all need good news these days.

    I always enjoy the videos you share.

  13. Awesome news Rose! I'm so glad that is done and over with, things like that are such a huge worry until you know for sure.

  14. I am so happy for your good news, Rose! Cancer free! I enjoyed watching the tap dancing too. Definitely worth the celebration!

  15. great news, and that's time to rest and return to your self - no rush to do anything, just take care

  16. That's great news. Just commented on your other blog too.

  17. That's great news, Rose. Wish I could come and dance with you! (Or maybe sew a leaf or two, instead! :~))

  18. That is brilliant news Rose. I am so glad everything went well, such a relief. Sending you hugz and wishing you a speedy recovery :) xx

  19. That is great news. I must confess I had to look up what Mohs surgery is. I'm glad they got it all the first try. - The video was fun to watch. Two very talented people.

  20. I am so thankful, and happy for your good news. That's just wonderful. Bet you did feel like dancing. Those guys are amazing.

  21. The long waiting period would have me all bent out of shape with stress (double dose of valium please!!)...but, it was worth the good news!!!

  22. Oh Rose, that is awesome!

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