
Thursday, December 10, 2020

a bit of this and that...

 First a couple new pieces of art from Lorelei.  How do you like the above...the assigned subject was pirates.  She did this ship in a 'jug with a cork!'  I would never have thought to do that.  

Then night before last she told me she had finally finished her Halloween assignment:

Click on each one to get a better view.  


It was 58°F here yesterday, and may have gotten a bit warmer...that was the last time I looked at the temp.  And today I am sure it was at least 60, and probably higher than that.  We went for a drive, taking our rods and reels...and we did NOT wear jackets.  I had on long sleeves, but did not need them the last place we stopped.  Roger had on a sleeveless t-shirt and was fine the entire time.


Have I shared the following?   

 She is just so cute...

That is it for this post...I hope your week is going good.


  1. It has been mild here as well, but not quite that warm.

  2. We're having a spell of cold weather and some snow, but that's fine too. 🙂

    I love the art!

  3. Lorelei is just so creative and talented! She thinks of such awesome things!

  4. Lorelei is super talented. So glad you and Roger had a nice day to get out. That video is adorable,

  5. What a creative and talented granddaughter you have. We have had beautiful weather all week. I took advantage of the coat-not-needed days and worked outside.

  6. Lorelei is very talented! Love the ships! Very imaginative she is :) 59 degrees here today; 80 degrees yesterday :)


  7. Lorelei is sure a talented artist! The ship in the bottle is very creative and the second drawing looks like she is interested in the Manga style of art which is quite popular now. Of course I know she has a very creative Mother and Grandmother too!

  8. Great art pieces done by Lorelei. Glad you are able to go out in such nice weather. Such a sweet cute girl. She is very confident.

  9. Great artwork. Very talented young artist!

  10. Hello,

    I love the art work, Lorelei is really talented. It was close to 50 here yesterday, maybe warmer today? Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  11. bob loves sinatra and can sing this song all the way through and does. L is so talented, a real gift and creative.. I would not have thought of the ship in the bottle. brilliant... as for the Halloween, it is properly creepy for sure

  12. forgot to say YAY for fishing and warmer weather. bob goes sleeveless no matter the temp, i wear a sweater

  13. The warmer weather has sure be appreciated! One day closer to spring!!!! LOL
    She sure is a good artist - I see a future for her in that.

  14. She is quite the artist!!!!!!

    Tooooo warm for me, in Dec.!!!!!! -smile-

    You know, you could make all your photos, nice and large. If you increase the width of the main part of your post... And then, you can have all your photos, nice and large. -smile-

  15. I always love seeing Lorelei's gorgeous art, she is so talented! Glad you had some warmer weather and were able to get out and about a bit :)

  16. Love the artwork Lorelei does. Talented. How nice to get out for a bit these days. We went for a dive today too but it was 0 C.

  17. I do like the artwork Lorelei has done.
    So pleased that you and Roger had a nice day out.
    The video is so lovely to watch, she is a cutie and I am still smiling.

    All the best Jan

  18. She sure did a great job drawing the pirate ships in the jug.

  19. Love Lorelei's art work - as to weather, we had a few days here where it was almost boiling hot 25C - one of those days, I wasn't feeling well, and I couldn't understand why I was hot with no body raised temperature, until I happened to check the weather page! Oh I not body!!!! But now it's cooled down a bit, although so far today no rain...

  20. Been nice here too only cooler but sunny and I like it like that.
    Lorelei is very artistic and creative. great idea about the ship in a bottle. Smart kid for sure

  21. It was warm here too but not quite that warm - it made it up to 50.
    What a clever idea of the pirate ship in a bottle drawing!


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