
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Unexpected mail...

 I have orders coming, and knew the mail was bringing two packages today.   I finally figured what one of them was but the other tracking number did not match any of my order numbers.  Crazy me, I was trying to think what was I forgetting.

So this afternoon, the mail came...and look what the 'Unknown' package was:

It was this devotional by Susan Young.  From 'the lady who used to write my paycheck.'  That is a sort of joke.  Oh, she did write the paycheck.  But I always said that to her husband when he was trying to get me to take 'sides' with him over something.  I always told him I would always choose the person who wrote my paycheck.  Not the exact words...that has been so long ago and so much has happened since, that I don't remember exactly how I said.  

I opened it up and half read first that it was from her, to me, then I scanned the introduction.  And looked at the first page (January 1) and what should be the first verse:

What a verse to start the new year with. 


 We had so much fun at work...I wonder how many people think of their bosses with such love and fondness.  I seriously doubt there is a week goes by that I don't think of them.  Sometimes daily.  There was love and caring as well as there were funny things that happened.  It is the only place I ever had a stomach ache from laughing so hard.

When it was just me there,  lots of times they would tell of their life when young.  I would give anything if I had came home and written down the stories I heard there.  Mrs. D was raised by her grandparents, and Mr. D's mom and dad had a boarding house and restaurant.  I remember  lots of bits and pieces, but it is not like hearing them talk about them.


I will leave you with a recent photo my daughter sent me of the pup and Delta.

He is growing like a weed.  How they both fit on the couch is more than I know.  Delta is a big dog...I think she weighs aroud 90 lbs.  I forget what Copper weighs.  But though he is skinny, he is not little.   I get tickled every time I look at this photo. 


  1. So sweet of your lady boss to send you a gift. I can't help smiling seeing the 2 dogs sleeping on the same couch. They are so inseparable and adorable pair.

  2. Goodness, but that is a very nice gift! And the doggies are sweet.

  3. I had one boss for about 2 years that was funny and fun but never had one i have fond memories of.. you were blessed to have them and this book is beautiful.. the verse is perfect for these times and for you... i am laughing at Delta and Copper. so precious. looks like Delta is keeping her nose warm with Coppers body.. Copper is perched on the edge but doesn't seem to mind. it makes my happy to see how well they are getting on and that they have each other when she is away.

  4. Hello,

    What a lovely gift, the first verse is a great one to start of the new year. Cute photo of Delta and Copper. Take care, stay safe! Have a happy day and a great weekend!

  5. What a beautiful verse to start a new year. Love it. That was so thoughtful of her.
    Those dogs are a hoot. They sure became fast friends.

  6. What a nice gift from an old boss and friend. I love the photo of the pups, I don't know how they are both squeezed in that small area. So cute!

  7. Hope THEY wrote them down!!!!

    Greetings from the North Pole,
    ⛄ 🎄 🎅 🎁 ⛄

  8. What a wonderful gift! You will enjoy it all year. I love the picture of your grand-pups!

  9. I love the picture of the pups. If Copper grows much more he won't fit. 🙂

    I'm so glad you had such great bosses.

  10. That is a great verse to start off 2021. You were fortunate to work with such wonderful people. I didn’t always have that gift. Those dogs are priceless.

  11. THat's a very thoughtful gift. I just checked, and a friend brought me a Sarah Young devotional a while back and it starts with the same verse. SO I guess we will be reading the same book next year.

  12. How fun is that - package that was "unknown" until it arrived and you opened it up and found where/who gifted it to you. As for Delta and Copper they are best buddies for sure even it means there's not room on that inn-couch...

  13. What a lovely gift and yes, a great verse for the start of a new year.
    Nice that you have so many happy memories!

  14. That's a lovely gift. And a lovely verse too.
    The memories you have of your former boss are priceless.

  15. A lovely surprise in the mail and a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing those memories and the ever adorable pups 😊

  16. I've been using that devotional for several years and love it. Glad that you received one and get to enjoy it. What a nice gift!

  17. I like that verse also.💖 What a good life those dogs have.😊 I don't have such fond memories of my job of 18 years but it provided health insurance for the family since my husband was self employed. That was a real blessing.


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