
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How was your first day of 2020?

I was going to do a post last night and got to messing with my other blog, trying to pic a favorite shot from each month.  Most months I did have several to choose from, but in November I had taken only about 2 dozen shots the entire month, and some of those were blurry drive-bys.


How did the day go for you?  Did you do the things you love to do.  The morn started off with a bang.  We headed to Paris to McD's, and passing by the strip pit area saw lots of bird activity.

This video is very short...for some reason I could not get a good video.. to show them all off.  Maybe because we were so close to them.  I think there were more White-fronted geese than Snow Geese.  Plus several swans. 
I have not sewn this day, but I was messing with my sewing stuff between midnight and 2:00 a.m....and the day is not over.  I may get in there before the night is over.
Someone was talking about seeing someone else celebrating their 2,000th post.  So I checked to see how many posts I have done.  In this blog, I have posted 2,268 times, and over at Time Stand Still, I have posted 2,369 times.  Even though it was started over two years after this blog was started.  I started this blog the last of May 2007, and did not start Time Stand Still till Aug of 2009.
I make no resolutions...though I do hope to do more.  More sewing, more reading, more blogging...and worry less.  But that is a continual goal, not something new.

I hope you all have a good year ahead and I hope you reach your goals...whatever they may be.