
Monday, January 13, 2020

A bit here and there

I haven't touched them in several days...but I did 5 or 6 of these last weeks....IF I could only have the discipline to do one a day...or so many per week...I would soon have enough for at least a small quilt.  I am not sure if I am going to sew them together like this, or I might put a small sashing between the blocks with cornerstones.

I have a question for you...can you always an concentrate on a real wordy blogpost?  There are some days I just have to go back and  re-read when I can concentrate.  I think that is just me.  I don't remember being this way when I first started blogging.

Do you ever read other's comments on a post to try to get an idea of what to say?  I do every now and then...but I am more apt to make a comment and see that someone else has already said it. 

Sometimes just for fun I got to Sandra's Mad Snapper blog and read posts that include Bob.  I sit and read them and always end up laughing so hard that Roger does not know if I am upset or crying with laughter.  Even before his stroke.  I just read THIS ONE about how much she talks and tears were streaming from laughing so hard.

Anyway, she always tells things they have said and what the other thought was said, I thought I would tell one I shared with her last fall:

I had just let Bubbie inside....he had not been outside very long, but he loves me and came in talking to me....and he actually herds me till I stop and pet him.  I had to walk on into the dining room for something and told Roger as I passed, "Watch him get my seat."  He does that a lot if I have been sitting in it and get up, he runs and jumps in it and lays down.

Well, here came Roger and said, "You want me to do your feet?  What do you want me to do to your feet?"