
Friday, August 7, 2020

Just bits...

 I don't know where to begin...
The highlight for me was we went to this little park north of Danville, Illinois day before yesterday.  It is where I get lotus pics,
as well as turtle pics.
It is also usually where I get photos of Great Blue Herons and Swans, as well as egrets.  However everything was so grown up, it was to tall to see any herons or egrets, and the swans were no where to be seen.  The only bird I saw was one solitary Red-winged Blackbird.  So no bird pics this time.
The main part of the place is like the above...still those lotus are way taller than they appear in the pic.
Then there is this small area of this grass stuff....the right side has always been sort of like this but usually not the left side. You could not see through it at all.  I am not sure what this grass is but it is very invasive. 
I have been busy all week but no pics.  I did do some weeding and things look better but I need to do more.  I did the usual vacuuming/cleaning  and things of today.  We had leftover pizza  for our evening meal.
The highlight was I finally got back to my sewing machine for a while this afternoon.  It was to work on daughter's curtains, but that is fine.  It just felt good to be sewing.
I just finished The North Runner by R. D. Lawrence.  I could not believe it when I saw it was in kindle form.  In less that 5 seconds it was on my kindle.  It is one of my all time favorite books.  I have the paperback version I got before we had children;  I have read it several times.  It is one of those books you hate to see end.