
Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Copper update...

 Just a few pics from our daughter...just have to share some of the cute views...

I call the one above All Tuckered Out...and though it has my name on it, it was taken by my daughter.  Both Copper and Delta had had a hard day of play.

Notice in the photos above and below...the ears!   He does not keep them up all the time, but at least they do stand up.

From being left in a box beside a highway, he has come a long way.

Poor Delta!  But oh, don't you love it.  Delta is so patient.  I don't know if she has ever gotten short tempered with him.  


I have a couple videos to share.  I cannot decide on just one so  since both are short, will share both.  Both will either make you laugh out loud or at the least smile.  First up is Jeanne

And now, watch this one, be sure and watch past the first few seconds.  The real fun begins around the 20 second mark: