
Friday, January 22, 2021

This and that....

 Just in case you did not find the car, here it is.

This has started has two blooms open with at least four more to come.  

Someone was talking about hearing from old friends they had not heard from in a long time...and I told her that would make my day.  

What do you know...maybe an hour later, I get a notice that I had an instant message from a FB friend...and she is an old friend I have known at least 40+ years.   so we caught up with each other...she was always one that we could work together in the kitchen, or just whatever.   It is strange how you can be good friends, but totally lose track of each other. 

I don't spend much time on FB...but this is the second friend to contact me in the past week or so. This other friend was worried because she had not seen a post from me in so long.

I have been doing some odds and ends of things this day that have needed doing for a long time.  I am weary this night...I have not sewn a stitch today.  But I will before the night is over.  So far, I have spent time sewing every day of this year.  I will be lucky to make it through the month of January.

This was a magnet that I had not noticed in ages.  It fits.

Cats do their best to train us...and do a pretty good job of it.

And for your entertainment, here is a video I found a bit entertaining.


  1. I NEVER would have found the car! This chicken is so cool, he LOVES people!

  2. It's always fun to reconnect with old friends.
    Your Amaryllis is quite spectacular. One of mine is finished blooming now but a couple of last years ones are growing now and I can see flower stalks forming.

  3. That rooster is wild! And I love the cat joke.

  4. In the past I have had people I had not seen for 50 years and more contact me FB not recently though. I don't post or comment on FB now, because of all the BS on there, i do keep it active and scroll through family and close friends, like my cousins grand daughter just had a baby, to see photos, i click like and pass on out... the social media has become politcal media and fighitng and nasty and I can't stand going there. i do love doing what happened to you, like 3 years ago I looked for and found a friend from sloans valley KY where we lived for 3 years, I was 15 when I last saw her, found out she lives downin Fort Myers..all things have good and bad. someone made a pet out of that rooster, maybe since birth, he is cute but there would be no chicken in my house no matter how cute and also no rooster outside crowing... we had one walk up in our yard about 5 years ago, he left and we never saw hime. no idea where he came from, we don't hear him and never did. glad you circled the car,

  5. So glad you were able to connect with your old friend, that's always nice. Love the kitty magnet, it's so true and now I want a rooster lol :)

  6. I usually hear from old high school friends during the holidays. We still exchange cards. But it is nice it hear how their lives are going. Hope you found the energy to get in a few stitches before bedtime. Some days it's just hard to find the energy.

  7. It would be wonderful to catch up with old friends. Beautiful Amaryllis. A very friendly rooster that loves to be around humans.

  8. Hearing from old friends is great, especially these Covid days. They reassure us we will get through this...

    Loved the Ron video.

  9. Thanks for showing us where the car was. I wasn't looking for a small car but a big one made up of the other pictures.

  10. Your amaryllis is spectacular, as GM said. What a wonderful surprise for a winter day. It means so much to me when an old friend gets in touch. I so admire your daily sewing goal and hope you make 365!

  11. I haven't been on FB for a few years. Don't miss it at all after I broke the habit. It was such a time-waster.
    With good friends, time apart doesn't seem to matter. When you get together, it is as if it was just a few days since you had spoken.

  12. Thx for pointing out the car. I love your pretty blooms.
    So glad you have reconnected with a dear friend. In this time of COVID, it is so nice to at least be able to message one another.

  13. What a joy to reconnect with an old friend. I've lost touch with so many people as we moved house so often, and sometimes wonder what became of them. I like FB as a means of staying in touch with what is happening in the extended family :)

  14. f/b has seen me find people I lost contact with decades ago - one evening (about 2 years) I was watching a live chat, about making books - when a pal from the past popped up on chat. I didn't even know she had added bookmaking to her textile world - so I carefully messaged her and asked "are you person who made the Willows bear?" and yep, she came back with "yes" but also she said "have you changed your surname?" me "yep"

    Love the rooster...but I was wondering about the dawn wake up call, seems the folks have gotten used to that!

  15. Hello,
    My eyes are going batty lately. It is great you were able to catch up with your old friend.
    Take care, enjoy your day. Have a great new week!

  16. I think people have more time on their hands...we have heard from several people that we never hear from:)

  17. Well, there really is a car in that picture! :) It is neat to hear from an old friend. That farm craft show I did back in the old friend walked up to my table. We had not seen each other since 1999 when I retired. We worked together for twelve years. Come to find out, he and his wife live on the same road we live on now...about eight miles up the road. I couldn't believe it. That little rooster is cute!

  18. I would never have found the car!

    The rooster is cute.

    All the best Jan

  19. Rose, thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I enjoy reading blogs from other people, but seem to still be a bit lazy when it comes to writing for my own. I do love to read about quilts and will visit you again. Charlotte


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