
Friday, March 12, 2021


 Today has been a day...I had to get away for a few minutes...I will explain in a bit.  I needed to run to Walmart, so before we went there, we did a drive through of the strip pit area.  I was hoping to see some wildlife... all we saw were a few birds.  I was thankful to see them, but I don't think I will ever get used to the lack of life that is there now.  

This girl, I think it is a female Ring Necked Duck...kept diving and diving.  Every time I was about ready to take a photo she would disappear.  Edited to add Ginny thinks the one above is Pied billed grebe...I feel pretty sure she is correct.   

This is the male Ring Necked least I am pretty sure that is it is.  If you know different, please feel free to correct me.  Both photos are cropped.   This male was a good distance away.

This dove was just right beside our vehicle....

We are seeing a lot of the American Robins any where we go....I thought this one had a redder than usual breast.  


Okay, will tell you about the day.  I knew I had to run to Walmart, but figured I could do that and be done and have time left to do either things I needed to do, or to sew.  To being the day, the cat got me up way earlier than I normally get up.  That should have given me a clue to the day.

Roger was up, but kept staying in the bedroom.  I had no idea what he was doing.  I went ahead and got my war paint on...and I don't mean make-up.  I mean a medication and sunscreen.  He still wasn't out.  I thought to give him a couple more minutes and then go see if something was wrong.  Here he came....he had lost a hearing aid!  

So, I went in there and looked and looked.  I looked under everything, I tore the covers back and looked in the bed...I looked behind the bed...I looked in shoes...I even took stuff out of two drawers.  Remember the two drawers part.

He said he had had them when he went to bed...but his memory after the stroke is not always the best.  Though I do think he would have noticed if he had not had both hearing aids on.  I went and seen if he had left one by the stationary bike.  I called the restaurant we stopped at yesterday to see if it had been turned in to the lost and found.

During this he had me stop and run him through the McDonald's drive-thru...

He got done with breakfast, and was kind of wanting me to start looking more.  I had been looking most of the time he was eating.

I told him I had to go to Walmart...he wanted to go.  So we went, but I grabbed my camera.  Going through the strip pits takes my mind off everything.  It is one place I can usually go and just forget everything.

Came home and he wanted to start on the hearing aid again.  I got him to go on and ride the bike, and I went in to the bedroom.  I thought I would start on the drawers again.  I went to the third drawer...I had opened it earlier but it looked so neat, I had only lifted one t-shirt and thought there was no need to go farther.  This time I went to the bottom of the drawer and there it was!  Laying there in the corner of the drawer!  I was so relieved to find it.

That all took up a huge portion of my time here at home...I have not accomplished much of anything at all this day.  Did not even do my normal Friday chores.  I haven't sewn a stitch, but the night is not over.  


  1. Ugh, at least you finally found it! I hope you were able to get a few minutes of sewing in before calling it a night.

  2. Oh, yes the night is still young! Maybe just a few stitches to get you by today, and tomorrow will be better.πŸ˜‰ I love your wildlife pictures!

  3. Well, at least all this trouble teilded success! I believe the first bird is is Pied Bill Grebe, we have them here.

  4. I'm so sorry hunt for the hearing aid was so frustrating. I'm glad you found it, but oh!

  5. I'm so glad you found it but I know how something like that can really mess up your day! I hope you were able to relax after you found it. Have a good weekend Rose!

  6. You spent most of your time looking for the hearing aid but at last, you found it. At least, the time spent looking was not wasted. Some days are just like this, just went by without much getting done. Hope after this you can resume your stitching again.

  7. Yes, A pied billed grebe it is!!

    Don'tcha just hate a lost day like those? I know I do!!!

  8. i am feeling your anxiety like i was there. three times in the past couple of years we have lost one of Bob's. i even went so far as to call to find out what a replacement would cost. with the insurance 500.00 so we continued to look, that time it was down between the seat in bob's truck. i feel your pain sister... glad you found it, sorry about the lost day but good news on the pit visit

  9. Hello,
    Wonderful shots of the birds, I love the cute Grebe. The hearing aid story is so familiar, I go through that with my hubby. We run all around the house looking for his lost things, they usually are in plain sight. I am glad you found the hearing aid, safe and sound. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  10. Bless your heart. I hate days like that. When I have such a big problem *that is important) I just pray and ask God to help me find whatever I am looking for or trying to figure out. Generally it comes to me.
    So happy you found it!!!!!!
    Robins have shown up here just this week. I love it - spring is about here!

  11. What a great close up of the mourning dove!!
    Sure glad you found the hearing aide after all that!!!

  12. Wonder why, "the lack of life there now"........

    Oh mercy, a lost hearing aide!

    We need 'em but don't have 'em. We have so many necessary things to do, at night, already. LOL And I had some a long time ago, and know you have to clean them each night. Don't want to add one more thing, to the nightly 'regiment'!


  13. Sorry you spent so much time and anxiousness about the hearing aid. They are so terribly expensive. Thankful you finally found it. I enjoyed your photos.

  14. With the price of hearing aids what they are, you sure saved a bunch of money minus the irritation of course. :-)

  15. Sorry your day got messed up by the missing hearing aid but I'm glad you found it. DH has lost one in the past and now with wearing masks he has to be so careful not to rip the hearing aid out when he removes it.
    I enjoy seeing bird pics. That Robin sure has a lovely orange chest. All ready to show off to some female Robin I guess.

  16. You had me hoping for that hearing aid to appear. So glad you found it.

    It is great to get out to see the wildlife. The photos of the birds are great!

  17. You did accomplish a few things besides finding the hearing aid. Whew those things a very spendy. I mean you went to the strip pit and felt relaxed for a minute and made it to Walmart. See you managed.

  18. the bird photos are gorgeous, I'm glad you didn't forget your phone/camera.

    it's always hard when we (single person) can't find something, and we search and search but when it's someone else close to you who has some memory loss even worse. I expect you never find out how the aid got way down in said drawer. And it will add more to your life, as you will want to be sure everything is as it should be for Roger.

    here's hoping you snatched a few moments or more for a little sewing in the evening...gentle hugs from downunder in NZ

  19. Whew, what a day you had! Some days just seem to go like that, don't they - hope the next day was better :) xx

  20. But at least you found the hearing aid!

    Hopefully you were able to do a little sewing in the evening.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  21. Glad you found the hearing aid. I know how that goes. We are looking for something right now that hubs misplaced but haven’t been able to find it for a few days. It is not as important as a hearing aid. Loved your birds! Looking at the real thing and photos of the real thing always relaxes me.


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