
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Photo overload...

 I give you fair warning this will have several photos...

They were so far away I thought at first they were swans.  All most all were sleeping as I walked down closer...

As I got neared the bank opposite then, they gradually woke up.  Even thought I was still a good distance away.

The spring of the year is the one time I have the chance to see White Pelicans in the middle of Indiana.  These were down in the Goose Pond area...not far out of Linton.

 I was so glad to get to see them.  There were another group of them way farther on.  And we did not make it to another pond that we see them on.


On top of them, I heard Sand Hill Cranes yesterday here at home, but they were so high up, they looked like a thin cloud till they turned at an angle.  I came in to get the camera but by the time I was back out in just a few seconds, I did not hear them, nor could I spot them.


It is not every day that the following happens..


  1. The white pelicans are gorgeous and the video is adorable!

  2. Lucky you to see all those white Pelicans!! They are impressive birds.
    Cute video.

  3. I guess you just never know what you will see during spring migration. It sure is a good time of year to go birdwatching. I would never in a million years have guessed that there would be Pelicans in your area.

  4. Those white pelicans are beautiful! How wonderful it must have been to see them. The video is so cute of the ducks. It looks like they've taken that detour before because Mama duck seemed to know where she was going!

  5. Great pelicans sighting! Cute mama duck very confidently leading her ducklings.

  6. Hello Rose,

    Wow, I love the White Pelicans. What a great sighting. Wonderful collection of photos.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  7. those ducks are darling, still smiling. the last photo is beautiful and I would love to see all those pelicans in one place.. glad you are getting out a little more. there is a flock of sand hill cranes on the way to bob's doctor office. they wander in and out of the road and all around and I am so afraid they will get hit.. they are beeautiful birds

  8. What cool pictures. They sure are beautiful birds. I have several family members that live in that area.
    Enjoy the lovely weather.

  9. Those pelicans were gorgeous and to see so many is priceless. Hope the mother and ducklings got out of there okay. I imagine they did.

  10. So much prettier, than the pink ones, to me!!!! -smile-

    LOL "Make Way For Ducklings" -smile-

  11. We sometimes see large groups of pelicans at the lake here. I love Make Way for Ducklings!

  12. I guess those Pelicans are heading northward to my neck of the woods.

  13. That video cracks me up!!!
    We have 1000s of white pelicans.

  14. Awww that video, it's so adorable to watch.

    All the best Jan

  15. How thrilling to see so many pelicans like that, and the ducklings are cute :)

  16. love how the wings unfolded and there were pelicans - as for Mother and her offspring - short cut to the next pond, cute

  17. How wonderful! Love the photos and the video of the cute duck family. Thanks for the smiles Rose :)

  18. Wow!! Cool shots of the Pelicans. How neat to see them. I saw some a nice flock, years ago on the Yakima River---but none since.
    Cute video. Quack!!

  19. I liked how everyone in the momma duck video respectfully stood back quietly and let her go where she pleased. That was enjoyable to see.


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