
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Who all had snow?

 I meant to publish this yesterday, or last night at the latest but it did not get done.  On the ground, I think the most snow that was there was half an inch or so because it melted as it fell.  But on our Rav4 there was at least an inch.

I have one iris that has been blooming since before the 17th...and it is still just as pretty today, and there is a second bloom.  The first one will be posted over on my other blog later tonight.  

The other day I had to run to Walmart, and took a detour through the strip pits.
I took a back way there, watching all the while for a hawk or an eagle.  Way across a field, I thought I saw a white head.

I swear he was so far, I was not even sure it was an eagle.  All I could see part of the time was what I thought was a white head.  So I got out and zoomed in and took pics.  These are just a portion of the originals....I am always so happy to see an eagle.

I had to snap a pic of the redbud against that blue sky...they are so beautiful this year.

I have been working in our basement a bit off and on...trying to get rid of some of the clutter.  I have a lot of stuff, then add to that Roger's things.  He has a lot of things used in making fishing lures.  I wish I knew someone that did that kind of stuff but I don't know a soul.  None of his buddies do.  He does not mind if I get rid of it...he knows he will not use it again.

His books on making knives and gun-smithing are even harder to get rid of.  I am going to try to think and see if one of our daughters would want them.  If not, I think we have a nephew that might.  I just cannot seem to remember to ask Sarah.   

I even parted with more books...just six of eight.  But that is that many.  And even got rid of some fabric that had been my mom's...I have kept it for years...but it was not 100% cotton and I will never use it so why leave it for the girls to deal with when something happens to us?  But I really need to buckle down and find homes for some things or just donate them to reduce the amount of stuff in our house.

I came across this little video when I stopped to take a break.  Well, just seen this second video and have to share it or else I will forget.  Neither one is very long

 Here you go...all you grands out there have a kleenex handy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Mostly flowers...

 Just this one image of the dogwood...I won't promise but think it will be the last of this year's dogwood photos.  Though if I had access to a white one, I would share them.  

Aren't violets pretty!  I always leave them be if they grow in a flowerbed.  I cannot bare to pull them up.  Even their leaves are pretty.

The flower of my trillium is not as deep red as normal.  

I continue to work on the one quilt I showed on my design wall a bit back.  I now have too many blocks to fit on the wall.  I also cut enough hexies for three more of the flowers I was making making for the Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt.  I don't need to make a bunch more till I decide how I am going to use them.  There are so many ways to put them together.  Some require more than others.
This post is long enough...I will leave with a touching video...

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 This is rest.  Daughter has sent me pics like this before and I did not think to post them.  He is a character.  

I am still working on my quilt I showed you last time..just a couple blocks a day.   Rather than bore you with it, I  thought I would show you one my daughter is working on:

I think this is going to be just beautiful. 

Then last night I got this photo and caption from Lorelei's mom:

Potting is such sweet sorrow.

I thought of you, Sandra.  I was going to mail it to you, then thought I would share it on my blog.

April has returned to cooler weather here in our part of the world.  It is after 11:00 and only 48° F here.  Actually quite chilly.  I was so happy to be wearing flip-flops again, but I think I might have to put on shoes today.

Our yard has been mown for the first time...I have been weeding some but have a lot more to do.  Maybe I will get to do more later today, but I have got to make a walmart run for catfood, etc.   I am having trouble finding the canned cat food I use for the cats.    So I may end up stopping two or three places.  Roger wants to go, so will look around a bit and give him time to look.

Just a really short little video today....something that will give you joy:

Monday, April 5, 2021


 We were at the girls' this weekend...Lorelei is so funny.    

I wish I had taken a pic of Copper and Delta side by side...Copper is 3 or 4 inches taller I think.  He can just stand and look on the table...does not have to make an effort at all.


It is slowy growing...but here I go again boring you to death with it.

I had such a pleasant surprise...a card and a letter and pics from an old friend.  She had printed pics of her mom and dad and  what would be a niece and nephew of hers and sent them.  Roger sure enjoyed seeing them.    Seemed like it came just when I needed a bit of an uplift.

***********You may not want to read the is a bit of whining.  Just needing to talk this out a bit.  

I went to the dermatologist last week.  I have had a spot that becomes a little open sore for the past two or three years.  The results came back as basal cell cancer again.  Which is better than melanoma.  What is funny, is she never did get it numb to cauterize it.  I did not say anything after the second time cause it only took a second or two. It is NOT as big as a dime...maybe close to half that size. She smoothed it out she said...and it really does not look like anything.  But the next day, even my nose hurt where my glasses set.  The cancer is below the OUTSIDE corner of my eye.

When I took my glasses off and felt of my nose, it felt like it had been punched...was really sore for a couple days and then just stopped hurting.

This one has bothered me more than any of them since the first one.  It bled a bit once when I was cleaning it...i have not had one bleed after removal till this one.  I always remember with my father-in-law that that was not good...but it does seem to be healing.

I really don't know if there is any use of me staying out of the sun...but every time I am out doing something, I am wondering if I am causing more.  Part of me feels like now that I have had it, I will just keep getting it.  

Well, friends if you are still reading...I hope you have a great week ahead.  We get our second shot on Thursday.   

Friday, April 2, 2021

Current project....

 This is my current will show the fabric truer if you click to expand the view.  Maybe even right click and click to open in a new tab or window.  If I  had the nerve to try it it could be done better than this but I would have to have each fabric mapped out and right now I just do not have the brain power.  Or I could have used the same light fabric through out...but I like scrap fabrics...and I have fabric to use, so I guess this is the way I am going to do it.

I ran across a couple videos...the first is cute and will make you smile: 

And this second one is a bit longer but it leaves me with tears of joy when I watch it.  Have I told you that I cry for joy sure and read the explanation below the video in the description.

I am sorry to be so long between posts.  I hope everyone has a good weekend.