
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Who all had snow?

 I meant to publish this yesterday, or last night at the latest but it did not get done.  On the ground, I think the most snow that was there was half an inch or so because it melted as it fell.  But on our Rav4 there was at least an inch.

I have one iris that has been blooming since before the 17th...and it is still just as pretty today, and there is a second bloom.  The first one will be posted over on my other blog later tonight.  

The other day I had to run to Walmart, and took a detour through the strip pits.
I took a back way there, watching all the while for a hawk or an eagle.  Way across a field, I thought I saw a white head.

I swear he was so far, I was not even sure it was an eagle.  All I could see part of the time was what I thought was a white head.  So I got out and zoomed in and took pics.  These are just a portion of the originals....I am always so happy to see an eagle.

I had to snap a pic of the redbud against that blue sky...they are so beautiful this year.

I have been working in our basement a bit off and on...trying to get rid of some of the clutter.  I have a lot of stuff, then add to that Roger's things.  He has a lot of things used in making fishing lures.  I wish I knew someone that did that kind of stuff but I don't know a soul.  None of his buddies do.  He does not mind if I get rid of it...he knows he will not use it again.

His books on making knives and gun-smithing are even harder to get rid of.  I am going to try to think and see if one of our daughters would want them.  If not, I think we have a nephew that might.  I just cannot seem to remember to ask Sarah.   

I even parted with more books...just six of eight.  But that is that many.  And even got rid of some fabric that had been my mom's...I have kept it for years...but it was not 100% cotton and I will never use it so why leave it for the girls to deal with when something happens to us?  But I really need to buckle down and find homes for some things or just donate them to reduce the amount of stuff in our house.

I came across this little video when I stopped to take a break.  Well, just seen this second video and have to share it or else I will forget.  Neither one is very long

 Here you go...all you grands out there have a kleenex handy.


  1. Good eye spotting that eagle. That redbud does look beautiful against that sky.
    I enjoyed both the videos

  2. It's always thrilling to spot an eagle. The redbud tree is gorgeous, I wish they would grow here. The videos were great!

  3. We had snow, but it is all gone now, but, tomorrow is to be colder again and a chance of snow. I can’t say I'm happy about that.

  4. Love the eagle. My gr. niece lives by Linton and has a nest at the edge of her property - she sure enjoys it.
    De-cluttering is tough. I have all of Glens' gun and car books - just can't seem to let go. Some day!!
    It snowed here too - it was pretty - but I am over it!!! LOL
    Hope you have a good day.

  5. I love the eagle! Your blue sky with the red bud blooms is amazing and I love the videos, too. It is hard to part with items we have kept for a long time. I just always hope they find a home with someone who appreciates them.

  6. Oh my goodness those redbud blooms are stunning. And the sighting of the eagle is fantastic.

    Ya, I clean stuff out twice a year...donate
    Thing is, I buy new stuff. Not accomplishing one iota. But, Figure I spent 18 years cleaning up & storing the kids' stuff, so knowing they hafta clean up after me when I'm gone is a bit of sweet revenge. 😇

  7. The blossoms and the eagle make for some beautiful sights.

  8. These days I see an Eagle almost every day but it never gets old. Of course I feel the same way about Hummingbirds and Robins. Can you tell I like birds?
    You're doing amazing with getting rid of "stuff". Now with nicer weather I've sort of stopped since I spend a lot of time outside. I hope you're getting more sunshine and less snow.

  9. I love the pictures of the eagle! I see many hawks around here but never eagles. I have heard from so many people that have had snow this Spring. Tuesday morning we woke up to two inches of snow and it kept snowing all morning. However, it was all gone by late afternoon thank goodness. Those videos are wonderful!

  10. Thankfully, we had no snow, but had a hard freeze that did lots of damage to plants that were already up and growing. I am also working to rid this place of too much clutter. Nothing is safe here anymore! Except family pictures.

  11. We got snow, too! But none stuck. I love the cat and fox video! And WOW, wonderful shots of a Bald Eagle! You have been coming across the BEST things lately!

  12. You saw the eagle and you took good shots of it. Beautiful redbuds. Fun video of the fox and cat chasing each other. The last video brought tears to my eyes, so touching.

  13. What a thrill to see the eagle, even if it was in the distance.
    Decluttering can be so hard, can't it? I have so much I should be getting rid of, but it just sits there and looks at me. One day ... maybe! :))

  14. wow on the fox and cat, the other one was touching. good for you decluttering, keep at it.. donate, donate.. hard to find someone that has the same desires . here i am telling you to and i keep putting off the CABINETS on the LIST

  15. Oh yes! We had snow, that covered everything with snow, and stayed!!!! Finally it melted. But still cool temps and windy. Brrrrr.... Glad we don't have anything blooming.

    Is that an American Eagle????? Amazing!!!!

    Wonderful to be getting rid of things!!! Your children will be happy you did. If you ever had to clean out a family home, all by yourself, like I did, you would understand.


  16. Good spotting Rose, of the bald eagle which is a bird I don't think exists here in NZ. I know a few of my blogging friends had a small dump of snow which quickly melted, have no idea which state they are all in, but one is in Montana.

    In regards to Rogers' how-to books are there any organisations who teach "forgotten arts" (which is very trendy now, with so many people) where they have a library of specialist information. Or a fly fishing type of organisation also with a library...

  17. Yes, we had snow and cold weather but thankfully it is gone now!!
    The red bud is beautiful especially against the blue sky. What a treat to see the eagle.
    I always feel good after a good clean up.
    Do you read Michelle blog, It's a small town life? I think her son makes knives as well.

  18. What a beautiful Redbud Tree we cannot grow them up here, so I enjoy seeing them! Yes we had snow this week but it melted right away:)

  19. We didn't have snow, just a big frost. Don't know which is worse this time of the year. How lucky you are to see an Eagle. I've never seen a real one. I'm going to pick up my new glasses this morning and didn't need to cry! :) That grandpa video made me cry. It's so sweet. I love the cat and fox playing too.

  20. Hello,

    Congrats on your Eagle sighting, they are always cool to see! Love the Redbud blooms.
    We had some snow on Thursday, it melted quickly. Thanks for sharing the videos.
    Take care, have a happy weekend!

  21. Oh my goodness, well it was a bit chilly but we didn’t have snow! I love iris’. I will check your other blog post out again later. Oh wow, great captures of the eagle. I love the redbuds but haven’t got any pretty shots like yours. Hard to get rid of things that have meant so much. We need to start doing the same. Cute video of the fox and cat playing. I needed my tissues for that second video, such a joy. Thanks Rose!

  22. I thoroughly enjoyed your whole post! I hope this comment makes it through your security this time...I want to thank you for always stopping by my blog, your comments, and your bloggy friendship.💖

  23. A pretty tree and a beautiful Eagle. I bet it is hard to do away with the knife make equipment. He made some wonderful knives. Sorry I have been away for awhile but I am back now.


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